Great Northern War
War in Northern, Eastern and Central Europe. This allowed the Czar to prove he was a real power in Europe. -
Decembrist revolt
Russian Army officers protested against the successor of the Czar. They were crushed by Czar Nicholas. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the serfs
Emancipation commities were formed where serfdom was still present. It affected the economy and the politics of Russia. -
Assassination of Alexander II
A member of the group Narodnaya Volya "people's Will" threw a bomb at the Czar. It didn't hurt him, the second man didn't hurt either but the third one was deadly. Alexander II died in the Winter Palace. -
Russo Japanese War
Starting of the war with Japan for Expansion that ended by a defeat of Russia. Nicholas II became more impopular. -
Bloody Sunday
Upset by the Czar, the people come peacefully to St Petersburg to protest. The soldiers will be ordered to shoot on them. Hundreds will die, thousands will be wounded. -
End of the Civil War created by 1905 Revolution
The strikes of the country and the executions made by the Czar's men stopped and the monarchy changed. This revolution started on Bloody Sunday. -
Starting of the WWI in the Eastern Front
Declaration of War from Germany and Austria-Hungary. Russia gets engaged according to its treaty with France. -
Abdication of the throne by Czar Nicholas II
Under the pressure of the Bolchevik Government, Nicholas II is forced to let them the power. -
Allowed the abdication of Monarchy, the creation of a Russian Republic. Two powers were present, the Petrograd Soviet and the Provisional government. -
End of the war on the Eastern Front
Peace treaty with Germany, named Brest-Litovsk.