Events Leading Up to the Russian Revolution

  • The Great Northern War

    The Great Northern War
    The war had lasted from 1700-1721. This war was fought between Sweden and a coalition lead by Peter the Great. By the end of the war Sweden had lost its power in the Baltic region and was replaced by Peter the Great's Russia.
  • Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs

    Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
    At the time Alexander the second obtained the position of Czar. Fifty million of the Sixty million legal occupants of Russia were serfs. Inhumane treatment, rape and torture topped the olong list of how serfs were treated daily. Freeing the serfs did little to give them real freedom, as they had little or no money to buy the inadequate amount of land provided tfor them to purchase.
  • The Assassination of Alexander II

    The Assassination of Alexander II
    Czar Alexander the second, ruler of Russia since 1855, was killed in the streets of St. Petersburg by a bomb thhrown by a member of the revolutionary peoples will group. They murdered officials and made several attempts on the czar's life before finally assassinating him on March 13, 1881. Alexanders assassins were arrested and hung,
  • The Russo-Japanese War

    The Russo-Japanese War
    Japan planned to divide Manchuria and Korea into spheres of influence, Japan launched a surprise naval attack against Port Arthur, Russian naval base in China. The Russian fleet was defeated. President Theodore Roosevelt mediated a peace treaty in the states.
  • The Revolution of 1905

    The Revolution of 1905
    The Russian Revolution of 1905 began in St. Peterbutrg. When on a defenseles crowd of workers, who, lead by a priest, were marcing to the winter palace to petition Czar Nicholas the secons. This "blood sunday" was followed in succeeding months by a series of strikes, riots, assassinations, naval mutinies, and peasant outbreaks. Nicholas had left in charge of the government when he took personal command of the armed forces in 1915, destroyed all suppoert for the Czar except extreme reactionaries.
  • World War I (Russian Involvement)

    World War I (Russian Involvement)
    In 1914 Russia considered Germany to be the main treat to its territory. Germany made the decision to form a triple alliance. Under terms of the military alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. As a result Russia joined Britain and France to have their own triple alliance. Czar Nicholas the second was in power at the time of world war 1.
  • Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne

    Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne
    During the February Revolution Czar Nicholas the second was forced to abdicate the throne. After strikes and general revolts broke out in Petrograd. (now St. Petersburg)
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    About ten thousand people gathered on the morning of bloody sunday. After the prolonged skirmishes between groups of peaople and the army at the barricades set up to prevent the march reaching its intended destination. During this poing they army opened fire on the crowd killing 13 and woulnding 13 other.
  • The Decembrist Revolt

    The Decembrist Revolt
    In St. Petersburg, Russia the military was going to stage a revolt against Czar Nicholas the first. The military had stood no chance against the czar's power. Which had then led to the czar making sure that there was no liberal movement across Russia.