The Great Northern War
The Great Northern War was a war that lasted over 20 years. The two major countries fighting were Sweden and Russia. The majority of battles were fought in northern, eastern, and central Europe. By the time the war was over Russia had gained a lot of what once was Sweden, and established itself as a new major power in Europe. -
The Decembrist Revolt
A small group of army officers an nobles attempted to overthrow the Czar. They wanted a constitutional monarchy. Their attempt to change the government was stopped by Nicholas I. The czar had the 5 main leaders of the rebelion excicuted and sent 100s of rebles to Siberia. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
When Alexander II freed the serfs they were allowed to keep their tools and homes if they had any. The serfs were given few rights, and had to buy their own land. Those who could afford some land did well, while others who couldn't afford it ended up living in the same or even worse conditions than they did when they were serfs. -
Assination of Alexander II
An organized assassination attempt was what too out this czar. While Alexander II was on his way to a military role call, a bomb was thrown under his carraige. This bomb killed many of the czars gaurds and damaged his carraige. Then a second bomb was thrown. This one destroyed Alexander II's legs. The czar died shortly after being brought to medical attention. -
Czar Nicholas II Abdicates Russian Throne
Durring WWI Russia was running extremely low on supplies. Prices rose sharply and more and more people began rioting. Russia became close to colapse. All the blame was put on Czar Nicholas II, apparently he couldnt take the pressure so he stepped down. -
The Russo-Japanese War
Russians wanted a warm water port that could be used year round. Russia attempted to win its port through a series of battles on land and at sea with Japan. The Russians were not well organized, so, as a result, Japan won the battles and Russia did not get the warm water port it was seaking. -
Revolution of 1905
This revolution was started beause of the killing of many peaceful demonstraters (Bloody Sunday). After hearing about this horrific scene, more and more Russians began to lash out damanding reform and change. -
Bloody Sunday
People led by Father Gapon were holding a peaceful demonsration around the czar's palace. They held up pictures of the Nicholas II and sang the czar's hymn. Czar Nicholas II ordered his solders to fire on the demonstraters. An estimated 96 were killed and over 330 were injured. -
World War I
Like most countries of the world, World War I was a big deal in Russia. Millions upon millions of solders were either dead, missing, injured, or taken as prisoners of war. As the war continued, the Russian troops began to run out of important supplies such as food, uniforms/clothing, amunition, and weapons. All the supply demands of the war put a strain on the rest of Russia. Prices of common necesities rose. NicholasII was blamed for Russia's downfalls and later exicuted. -
The March Revolution
The March Revolution happened during WWI when about 90,000 textile workers in Russia went on strike because of the shortage of fuel and food. As time went on more workers joined, makeing a grand total of about 400,000 rebels.