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events leading up to the revolotion

  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    the art. or conf. was the first plan of goverment that left the central goverment weak and gave most of the power to the states
  • treaty of paris

    treaty of paris
    the treaty of paris gave the u.s. the land from the alantic to the mississippi river.
  • shay's rebellion

    shay's rebellion
    shay's rebelion was when dainel shay organized over a 1000 farmers to protest aginst massachusetts high taxes
  • the conitotional convetion

    the conitotional convetion
    the conitotional convetion that was held in secret so our leaders could make a new goverment.
  • virginia plan

    virginia plan
    a plan adoped by the consitionanal covention in 1787 that estabished three branches of goverment
  • new jersey plan

    new jersey plan
    a plan offered by the small states at the conitiosinal covention of 1787 that would give each state the same amount of rep.
  • northwest ordinance

    northwest ordinance
    the northwest ordinance was a law that allowed new territories to have a chance to become a state.
  • the great comprmise

    the great comprmise
    the plan drawing up to the conitotional covetion in 1787 to form two houses of goverment.
  • preamble

    the start of the consitotion
  • signing of the conitotion

    signing of the conitotion
    the delegates to the consitiotion signing the consitotion
  • the consitotion ratified by 1st state

    the consitotion ratified by 1st  state
    delaware ratiried the consitotion
  • four more states ratified

    four more states ratified
    pennsylviania,new jersy,georiga,and connecticutt ratified
  • one more state ratified

    one more state ratified
    new hampshire ratified
  • debate over bill of right

    debate over bill of right
    debate over protecting citizens right delegates felt these right must be part of the consitotion
  • first president was elected

    first president was elected
    goerge washington was elected as first president
  • First presedent was sworn in

    First presedent was sworn in
    george washington was sworn in as 1 president in new york city at the fedral hall balcony.
  • final state ratified

    final state ratified
    rhode island ratified
  • bill of rights was added

    bill of rights was added
    the bill of rights are added to the consitotion as the 1st ten admendments
  • supreme court granted certin rights

    supreme court granted certin rights