Ten events leading up to the civil war

  • First african slaves brought to Britains North American Colonies

    First african slaves brought to Britains North American Colonies
    First African slaves are imported into the North American colonies claimed by Great Britain.
  • American Constitution

    American Constitution
    Founding fathers make slavery constitutional when writting the Constitution.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    Eli Whitneys invention made the prduction of cotton so much more valueble requiring a great demand for slaves in the south.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    This compromise would divide the country in half literally and in spirit into slave and free states , only adding tention to the counrty and balance of power.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Uncle Toms Cabin
    Book describing the horrors African American slaves had to suffer from their own owners.
  • Kansas Nebraska act

    Kansas Nebraska act
    This act put up the states to be voted on by their own people to decide if they wanted to be free or slave states, this went against the Missiouri compromise and would only leed to events like bleeding Kansas.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Both pro and anti slavery groups in the state were attacking each other to prevent them from voting.
  • Dread Scott Decision

    Dread Scott Decision
    This court case stated that African Americans had no right to become actual American Citizens and could not sue in Federal court.

    Not only that, Scott had to return to being a slave even though his owner had died.
  • John Browns Raid Harpers Ferry

    John Browns Raid Harpers Ferry
    John brown attacked a military arsenal at Harpers Ferry attempting to start a revolt to liberate slaves.
  • Abraham Lincoln Election

    Abraham Lincoln Election
    The election of Abraham Lincoln would cause South Carolina to become the first of the states to succeed from the union.