Events Leading up to the Civil War

  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    The Constitutional Convention was held from May 25 to September 17, 1787. The Constitution Convention was held to improve the Articles of Confederation, but ended up wrighting the Constitution
  • 3/5 Compromise

    3/5 Compromise
    Sometime in 1787 there were arguments if slaves would count as people in the population. There were these arguments because the higher the population the more representative there were for the state. Since there were more slaves in the south they would have more representatives and more say in the law. They decided that the slaves would count as 3/5 of a person.
  • Extra Taxes

    Extra Taxes
    In the 1800's there was tax on manufactured goods, cloth , ect. This made the South angry because they wanted low inport tariffs/taxes, while the North wanted high import taxes/tarrifs.
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    Missouri asked to be a slave state. if Missouri became a slave state, there would be more slave states than free states. the north was afraid of what would happen, so Henry Clay made the Missouri Compromise. Missouri was able to become a slave state, but Maine would become a free state.
  • The Compromise of 1850

    In 1849 California asked to be a free state. Adding California would lead to more power in congress. most of California was below the compromise line. Clay came up with if California was admited as a free state, people would not be able to sell slaves in washington D.C . Also people in Utah and New Mexico could decide wether or not to allow slavery in their territories. Congress also passed the Fugitive Slave law where northerners would have to help southerners capture the run away slave.
  • 20,000 Escape from Slavery

    During 1850-1860 20,000 slaves escaped from slavery through the Underground Railroad.
  • The Kansas - Nebraska Act

    Both territories, Kansas and Nebraska were above the compromise line, so acording to law both states would be free. Stephen Douglas suggested that the people in Kansas and Nebraska should be allowed to diside for their selves. People on both sides did not like this, and the southern territory of Kansas became a battle ground over rights in slavery. 6,000 people had voted, but Kansas only had 3,000 voters. This showed that the election was unfair and that people who didn't live in Kansas.
  • Fight at Harpers Ferry

    Jhon Brown, an abalitionist led a revolt for slaves to fight back at Harpers Ferry. When he led the revolt no one joined in.
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected President

    November 6, 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected president. This election was the last straw for some states. Abraham Lincoln was against slavery, so this was a problem for some people.
  • The Confederate States of America

    In 1860 North Carolina left the Union, making the first Confederate state of America. three weeks later Mississippi was the second state to leave the Union. Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas all left the Union too.
  • Civil War Started

    On April 12 1861 the first shots were fired at fort sumter and the American Civil War officially started. The attack lasted 34 hours and no one got killed on both sides.
  • End to the Civil War

    In 1865 the Civil War ended after 4 long years of fighting. The North had won and slavery had ended.