Events Leading Up To The Civil War

  • The Mexican American War

    The Mexican American War
    The Mexican American war lasted two years this was due to The Idea Of Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny is the concept that the country could expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. During the war Mexico lost some territory which helped the civil war since they had free slave states and not free slave states this war was able to help the civil war to have free slave states and have their political power.
  • Fugitive slave act

    Fugitive slave act
    The fugitive slave act was an act to make officials pay a fine to any liable slave. This act was an attempt to increase slavery and due to this the slaves would create Underground Railroads.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's Cabin was written in 1853 by Harriet Beecher Stowe. She was an abolitionist that showed the truth of what happened to slaves she showed how the slaves lived and the horrible way in how they were treated. The north saw this and it was an abolitionist move and this was a cause to the civil war.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    The bleeding Kansas was a period of time where slaves were a major topic. The bleeding Kansas was an effect to the civil war because the north and the south could both pick if they wanted slavery or if they didn't. They had a popular sovernty vote and this was a huge arguments between the north and south.
  • Charles Sumner is attacked by Preston

    Charles Sumner is attacked by Preston
    Charles sumner was also an effect leading up to the civil war. Charles was giving a speech regarding the pro slavery violent acts. Preston Brooks later on attacked Charles due to his saying with his speech he did not like that he would say all those things so he caned him.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Dred Scott Case
    The Dred Scott case is also a big effect leading to the civil war. He was a free man before he became a slave he tried to fight for his rights he tried to prove that he was not a slave but they just didn't believe him. They didn't believe him due to the fact that he did not have any land or any property showing that he was a free man but the court stayed that he was owned by his owner. The abolitionists heard about this and tried to fight for this and to make things better.
  • Lecompton constitution rejection

    Lecompton constitution rejection
    This allowed the states to determine if they were a slave state or free. The lecompton constitution allowed Kansas to be a slave state but eventually the vote would have to go back to Kansas and they ended up being a free slave state since they pushed the constitution away.
  • John Brown Raided Harpers Frerry

    John Brown Raided Harpers Frerry
    John Brown was an abolitionist that was involved in anti slavery in Kansas. He was a man that lead a group of 17 men to raid Harper's Frerry. He wanted to uprise slavery with their weapons but eventually they got caught and John Brown was hanged and the rest of the men were either killed or captured by troops. This was just another effect as to why the civil war began.