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Events Leading Up To The Civil War

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    Civil War

    Theses are the events leading up to the bloody Civil War that lasted 4 dreadful years
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    Civil War

  • The Constitution was made

    The Constitution was made
    The U.S Constitution was a signed document that showed the rights of Americans.
  • Northern Cities

    Northern Cities
    Some Southerners had to move to the North for job transfers all this movement made big cities in the North away form argriculture
  • Economic issues

    Economic issues
    The North had free labor and the South had slave labor. The Economical issues had something to do with how the Southerns and Northerners thought differently. Whenever the states had the right to vote and chose to be a free state, that caused many arguements between the North and South.
  • The 1850 Comprimise

    The 1850 Comprimise
    Utah and New Mexico had the right to vote to be a free state or a slave state, this event made the Southerners very angry because they no longer had more power.
  • Missouri Comprimise

    Missouri Comprimise
    The Missouri Comprimise took place in 1850. Missouri joined the U.S. as a slave state, and Maine was admitted as a free state to keep equivelent the amount of free and slave states
  • The Kansas Nebraska Act

    The Kansas Nebraska Act
    Kansas and Nebraska had the right to vote if they wanted to become a free state or a slave state. They chose to be free stes so the South was in firey rage!
  • The Under Ground Rail Road

    The Under Ground Rail Road
    The Underground Rail Road was a secret network system that escaped slaves from the South to Canada
  • The Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave Act
    Adding California gave the North more power. Slaves could not be sold in Washington D.C. in addition they passed the fugitive slave act which forced escaped fugitives to be hunted down and reterned to their master
  • John Brown Revolt

    John Brown Revolt
    John rescued African Americans to free states. Soon enough he got caught and eventually hung for his brave actions in 1859.
  • Lincoln Election

    Lincoln Election
    In 1860 Licoln got elected to be the President Of the U.S! Honest Abe was a great President and set free 7 states!
  • Southerners formed their own country

    Southerners formed their own country
    Most of the Southern states created their own country with their own laws about slavery and fugitives.
  • Attack at Fort Sumner

    Attack at Fort Sumner
    The attack at Fort Sumner was very dreadful and unexpected to the Northerners. The South fought for what they beleived was right...although slavery was not what everybody wanted.