Period: to
events leading up to the civil war
Compromise of 1820
An agreement passed in 1820 between pro slavery and abolitionist that split the missouri and other territories at the 36'30' line above being antislavery and below being slave states -
Nat Turners Rebellion
In Aughust Nat turner led slaves in rebellion killing somewhere in between 55-60 slaveholders. Which in retro spect wasnt really a good idea because it caused much stricter policies towards slaves.Thomas Ruffian Grey afterwards asked him what his reason was Grey wrote that Nat Turner said to ''cause chaos'' though Historians think he wrote it to make Turner look like a monster.
Ps.exact date wasnt listed on website i reasearched -
The Texas Revolution
Where after getting permission from the mexican goverment settlers began pouring into the Mexican territory of Texas where after Prohibition of immigrants continued to come with slaves and when the mexicans Came to stop it the Texan Revoulution began with the battle of Gonzalas. It most notable battle being the battle of the Alamo where almost all the men were killed. The war Ended with the battle of San Juanito where The Mexican President San Antonio Lopez was captured and they made a Republic -
The oregon trail
By 1846 Trails were made for wagons starting at Independence, Missouri This became Known as the Oregon trail For many year people will travel this to oregon and during the gold rush California. -
The Mexican American War
After the Texas revoulution the newly formed Texas Republic wanted to join the union the union inturn inteded on annexing Texas,New Mexico, and parts of california to achieve the manifest destiney, in ignoring The mexican congress warning of war {because they considered texas in rebellion} The union moved into the aforementioned areas plus set up a blockade. The Mexican army retaliated and the Mexican American war Began. soon later the union captured Mexico city and forced them agree. -
Underground railroad
Was a secret society that dealt in the freeing of slaves. Very secretive using codes such as terms,songs and also secretive in their very methods such as secret compartments in houses carriges and once even successfully hiding a slave in a package. Their height was between 1850-1860 after the compromise of 1850
Ps, the date of creation is uknown i put the theoretical peak of their activity -
Comprise of 1850
This drafted by Henry Clay(the Great Compromiser) But Presented when it was accepted in parts by Democrat Stephen Douglas Had many thing which both angered and relieved pro and anti slavery people. the main things were the fugitive slave act, and accepting california as a free state. -
Kansas Nebraska Act
The prelude to bleeding Kansas was one of the first places to officially ignore the compromise of 1820 which the supreme court declared Unconstitutional earler. it allowed popular soveri -
Bleeding Kansas
Between 1854 to 1858 a series of skirmishes, burning, fights, arguments ,corrupt voting plus events such as John Browns Battle of Black Jack where he took future confederate general Henry C Plate and 22 other proslavery soildiers hostage event like this continued for many years. -
The Dred Scott Case
on March of 1857 the supreme court denied Dreds appeal for freedom [on the basis that since his master died on free soil he should inturn be freed] stating that congress had no right to decide as to whether or not slavery should be allowed in states. Effectively making the compromise of 1820 negligent.
Ps.Exact day wasnt listed -
Election of 1860
The election of 1860 was between lincoln,breckinridge,Douglas and,Bell this election was rife with cheating but the end tally was in favor of lincoln with 180 electoral votes though not most popular and containing no southern votes this enraged them and caused trouble in the future. -
The South Carolina secession and the attack on Fort Sumter
After the election of 1860 South carolina secceded though Lincoln called it a "rebellion". After the forts started being comandeered by the Confederates the garrison was moved to Fort Sumter where after a failed resupply were offered a ultimatium surrender or be attacked. The garrison denied however after 24 hours of bombardment they evacuated strangly with no loss of life on either side. -
The Draft Riots
Caused by the draft. Directed at rich for their abillity to buy there way out,the African Americans, because the poor believed them to be the reason for the war. 3 days of confusion began. soon the millitary sent in and put down some of the rebellion. 3-4 days later the smoke cleared and the casualties were between 120-2000 killed and many more wounded. -
Sojourner Truth
Born in ulster county Virginia in 1797 as Isabella Baumfree she escaped from John Dumont and was renown by the fact that she was the first African American to win against an white man. In which she won her son Peter after months of legal Debate