Events Leading Up to the Civil War

  • Fugitive Slave Act

  • Uncle Tom's Cabin published

  • Election of 1852

  • Kansas–Nebraska Act

    It was a law passed in 1854 that opened the northern part of the Indian Territory to American settlers. However, it repealed the Missouri Compromise by using popular sovereignty. This act, designed by Stephen Douglas, reopened the question of slavery in the territories and created the Kansas and Nebraska territories. The result was that pro- and anti-slavery talks flooded Kansas, leading to a bloody civil war there. It was then denounced as a triumph of the hated slave power.
  • (Beginning of) Bleeding Kansas

  • Charles Sumner getting beaten

  • Dred Scott v. Sandford decision

    It was a Supreme Court ruling decided on March 6, 1857, two days after James Buchanan was sworn in. It was a southern-dominated Supreme Court attempt to solve the political controversy over slavery. The Supreme Court ruled that slave could not be US citizens and that Congress had no jurisdiction over slavery in the territories. It ultimately triggered the Panic of 1857. It was also fiercely attacked by opponents as an offense to liberty and triumph for slave states.
  • Panic of 1857

    It was the banking crisis that caused a credit crunch in the North. It was less severe in the South, where high cotton prices spurred a quick recovery. It was also less harmful to the South than the North, which Southerners took as proof of the superiority of their economic system to the free-labor system of the North. It was the world's first world-wide economic crisis, but did not last long. As a result, the South began to strongly believe that the North needed the South to survive.
  • Lecompton Constitution Rejected

  • 1. Lincoln-Douglas Debates

  • John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry

  • Abraham Lincoln was elected President