Death of general warren at the battle of bunker hill american revolution

Events Leading Up To the American Revolution

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    The French and Indian War

    The ¨Seven Years War¨ was fought between the French and Indians against the British and Indians. The British stationed troops in the colonies to protect them, as well as helped them fight the war. After nine years the war subsided and the British wanted to be reimbursed, so they began implementing taxes on the colonists.
  • The Proclamation Line

    The Proclamation Line
    The British marked the Appalachian Mountains as a boundary for colonists. The colonists were prohibited to settle beyond the boundaries, which angered them.
  • The Sugar Act

    A tax that the British had altered on the exciting tax. It did not increase the tax, however the British did begin actually collecting it, which angered the colonists. This alteration of the acting tax was added to help with the costs of the ¨Seven Years War¨
  • The Currency Act

    The Currency Act
    This was an act implemented that granted the British full control of the colonists currency system. This act also forbid the printing of new currency and the reissuing of reaming currency.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    This was a tax implemented by the British that entailed the taxing of all printed paper products purchased by colonists. This included, but is not limited to documents, licences, newspapers, and playing cards.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    This act allowed British Soldiers to find room and board in the private homes of colonists. Not only did they have to provide food and shelter for the soldiers, they also had to pay to do so.
  • The Townshed Acts

    The Townshed Acts
    The townshed act was multiple laws passed by the British. This included the taxing imported goods, like glass,lead,paint, and paper. This along with many other taxes were implemented to aid in the debt caused by the seven ears war.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    On March 5th,1770 six residents of the Boston colony were shot and killed by British soldiers. The shooting occurred at a large mob gathered outside of the Custom House
  • The Gaspee Affair

    The Gaspee Affair
    The HMS Gasspee was a British ship that docked in Rhode Island. The Sons of Liberty, a radical group, attacked the ship and ater set fire to it.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    To protest the British tea act and lack of representation, colonists boarded trade ships in the Boston harbor and dumped 342 chests of tea into the water.
  • The Intolerable Act

    The Intolerable Act
    The intolerable acts was a series of laws that were carried out by the British government in response to the Boston Tea Party. These acts included the Boston Port Act, the Massachusetts Government Ac, the Quartering Act, and the Quebec act.
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress
    Out of frustration after the intolerable act, 12 colonies chose representatives to the First continental Congress. In an attempt to repeal the act, they sent a petition to the king. As well as a boycott of British goods.
  • The Articles of Association

    The Articles of Association
    The colonists were angered by the intolerable acts. So, in response they decided to propose a boycott on goods that were being produced in Britain and its colonies.
  • The Battle of Lexington and Concord

    The Battle of Lexington and Concord
    Samuel Adams and John Hancock were rebel leaders at the time and British Soldiers were out to catch them. In addition, the set out to destroy weapons and ammunition that were stored in Concord.
  • The Battle Of Bunker Hill

    The Battle Of Bunker Hill
    The British army had plans to take control of Dorchester and Charleston, which the colonists got word of. In attempt to combat this plan William Prescott and his army built a fort. Upon seeing this the British army began to attack, resulting in the start if the battle.