Events Leading Up to the American Civil War

  • The Compromise of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850
    California requested to be a free state in 1849. The problem was if this was aloud, there would be more free state senators in congress them slave state senators. After 7 months of debating, the compromise was California a free state, Utah and New Mexico became a territory, and Washington D.C. abolished the slave trade, but not slavery in D.C. The north is happy they get more voting power, but annoyed slavery is still intact in D.C. The south is mad that they get less voting power.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The fugitive slave act is now as the mast controversial law in the Compromise of 1850. Slaves that have escaped had to be returned to their owners, even if they escaped to a free state. The federal government was responsible for finding and returning the escaped slaves. Before this slave owners were responsible to hire slave hunters or do it on there ow to find there escaped slaves. The north was mad they had to return the slaves. The south was happy they got all of there escaped slaves back.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Uncle Toms Cabin
    The book Uncle Toms Cabin was made by Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1852. It is about the controversial subject of slavery. This caused people to speak out causing outrage, arguments, and fights between norther and southern states. These arguments were also between people on both sides of the subject. The north liked the book because it was about how bad slavery was. The south did not like the book. Both sides were angry and mad at each other.
  • Anthony Burns Case

    Anthony Burns Case
    Burns escaped slavery in Virginia in 1854. He was caught and tried in Boston then was sent back to Virginia. This made people in the North angry and furthered the cause of abolition. This caused protests and military takeover over Boston. Personal liberty laws were created which protected escaped slaves and freed black men and women. The north was mad he was sent back but happy that the Personal liberty laws were put in place. The south was mad that the Personal Liberty laws were put in place.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise. This created 2 new territories. This allowed for popular sovereignty to determine whether a state would allow or ban slavery. The north was disappointed slavery wasn't banned and hoped that the 2 new territories chose to become free states. The south was happy slavery wasn't banned and hoped the 2 new territories became slave states.
  • Period: to

    Bleeding Kansas

    This went on periodically between 1855-1859. This was a violent uprising that took place when both pro-slavery and antislavery activists flooded the new territory to sway the vote. The Bleeding of Kansas resulted in 55 deaths. They were both really angry at each other and fighting a lot. The north wishes slavery got banned and hoped people would become free slates. The south was happy slavery did not get banned.
  • The Dred Scott Decision

    The Dred Scott Decision
    An enslaved man named Dred Scott and his wife Harriet sued for their freedom in St.Louis Circuit Court in 1846. They claimed that they were free because there owned took them to live in a free state where slavery was prohibited. This supreme court case took 11 years. This upheld slavery in US territories, denied black citizenship, and deemed the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. The north is mad they were siding with slave states. The south is happy the court is siding with them.
  • The Lincoln-Douglass debate

    The Lincoln-Douglass debate
    These debates from the Lincoln-Douglass debates heightened the national attention of slavery. Douglass was pro-slavery while Lincoln was anti-slavery. These debates and the upcoming election divided the nation even more causing fights and arguments between the north and the south. Lincoln eventually won the election causing states to leave. The north and south were always arguing/fighting about slavery. They were both getting fed up with each other.
  • John Brown and Harper's Ferry

    John Brown and Harper's Ferry
    John brown an abolitionist and a group of his followers raided the federal arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. Brown was caught and put on trial for treason. He was viewed as a lawless criminal by the south but a martyr in the north. The south argued there could be no union with a man who tried to start a violent rebellion. The north is happy people are rebelling and trying to make a change. The south is mad that they are rebelling.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    The election was a four way race between Lincoln. Douglas, Breckenridge, and Bell. Lincoln won the election despite only 40% popular vote. It was a sectional victory in that only northern states voted for Lincoln. The south felt threatened by the president being a Lincoln/republican party. The north was happy that hes a republican and wants to abolish slavery. The south felt threatened because they know hes going to abolish slavery.
  • Citations

    I got most of my information from the slideshow and assignment on the timeline.
    I got my Lincoln-Douglass debate info from
    I got my Uncle toms cabin info from
    I got all of my photos from