John west aregues about federation
John west argues because he wants federation.
He makes a speech saying just how much
He wanted federation. -
First intercolonial conference
There was an intercolonial conference held in
Sydney NSW and Victoria agreed to a five
Year free trade agreement in 1867. -
Second intercolonial conference
Second in colonial conference was held to discuss
A federal customs union. -
First Australian cencus
The first Australian census was held to
Calculate how many people lived in Australia. -
First campaign for federal union
There was the first campaign for federal union.
There was an agreement to form a federal council. -
First colonial conference
The first colonial conference was held in London.
British colonies met to discuss all of the common
Concerns about defense and communication. -
Sir henry parkes speech
Sir hennery parks presented a speech telling everyone
That he wanted all the states of Australia to merge
Together. -
First computational convention
There was the first computational convention. This was held in sydney. -
Australasian federation leauge
The Australasian federation league was formed in
Sydney. -
Immigration act
The first federal immigration restriction act this was
The first major federal act. This was called the
Immigration act of 1901.