Events Leading to WWII

  • U.S Congress passes Selective Service Act

    U.S Congress passes Selective Service Act
    The Selective Service Act was a federal law that declared mandatory military service. 2.8 million men were inducted to the armed forces of the united states.
  • Hitler is named leader of the Nazi Party

    Hitler is named leader of the Nazi Party
    Hitler became a fundamental piece to this party, but he noticed this and demanded the dictatorial power of this party. He received 543 votes in favor and only one against. Hitler became the leader of this Socialist German Worker's party. It became a mass movement and lead to a totalitarian state in 1933.
  • Kellog-Brian Pact Signed

    Kellog-Brian Pact Signed
    It was a multilateral treaty signed to eliminate war s a possible instrument of reaction. This treaty was one of the biggest achievements after the devastating World War I
  • Japanese Invades Manchuria

    Japanese Invades Manchuria
    The Japanese army ignited the conflict in Asia by invading a Chinese province, Manchuria. The Japanese army claimed that the Chinese soldiers sabotaged the Manchurian railroad, which was controlled by the Japanese. The Chinese army was not fighting back because they knew they were only looking for an excuse to invade Manchuria. In February of 1932, they had absolute power of that province and established a Japanese-controlled state called Manchukuo. Killed thousands of soldiers and civilians.
  • Enabiling Act Issued

    Enabiling Act Issued
    It was an act issued by the active Reisch of Germany, which granted dictatorial powers to Adolf Hitler. The act had to pass through some vocations, which were very decisive in favor of Hitler. The power this act granted to Hitler was the bases for the revolution he pulled off afterward.
  • Neutrality Act signed

    Neutrality Act signed
    The neutrality act prohibited the export of arms, ammunition, and implements of the war from the united states to all foreign nations and required all manufactures inside the united states for an export license.
  • Lend-Lease Program enabled

    Lend-Lease Program enabled
    It was a program which the U.S issued to aid all of its allies in the war. They provided war materials, such as weapons, tanks, planes, ammo to fight fascism with the best equipment and technology at this time period.
  • FDR wins third term as president

    FDR wins third term as president
    The twenty-second amendment in the constitution established a time limit of 2 terms for a presidency term. Franklin D. Roosevelt managed to break this law and won his fourth elections by a large margin because US citizens wanted him to rule their country at war.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese developed a surprise aerial attack against the Pearl Harbor navy base from the United States and forced them to enter into World War II after stating they were neutral in this European Conflict
  • Hitler declares war to the United States

    Hitler declares war to the United States
    The United States states was a neutral country in the European Conflict. Germany agreed with Japan that they would support them if they attacked the US, but they uncertain whether that needed o happen. Then, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and left things very clear. On this day, Hitler gave a war declaration speech alongside with Italy because they belonged to the Axis Powers. This was known as one of the most controversial decisions in history.
  • A.Randolph March and Roosevelt Reaction

    A.Randolph March and Roosevelt Reaction
    The Washington march was a gathering of around 250,000 people in front of the Lincoln Memorial Building, who were protesting peacefully for job opportunities and freedom. During this event, M.L.K gave his memorable "I Have a Dream Speech". This march forced President Roosevelt to issue Executive Order 8802, which opened an investigation against racism and to completely forbid discrimination against African American Workers by establishing the Fair Employment Practice Committee.