Military Rivalry
Since 1870 countries have been accelerating the production of their weapons. The increase of military rivalry led to people thinking that war was headed their way, also the military control lead to cooperation and agreements with countries such as Germany with Russia and Austria and Britain with France. -
Nationalism became a principle in this period France during the rule of Napoleon lll, the U.S who experienced the Cold War was a war to preserve the Union,and when Germany and Italy reached unification. -
Imperialism has been a thing since back then. The United States for instance, fought and defeated the Spanish who had landed in the Philippines to take over. The U.S takes a step to make the Philippines their territory and they start civilizing them instead of leaving them alone. -
Allied powers who had fought the Central powers during WWl was Serbia, Russia, U.S, France, Italy, and Belgium. The Central powers was Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria. Allied powers who fought against Germany was the U.S, Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and China. They were the allies who opposed of the Axis powers, Germany, Italy, and Japan during WWll. -
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was the event that sparked WW1. The Serbian government was being blamed for the attack and for that Russia supported Serbia and Germany supported Austria-Hungary along with their other allies and possibly making France and Britain to join the conflict. The peace between the European powers broke into World war. -
Germany gives Austria-Hungary blank check assurance
Germany's error of giving Austria-Hungary a promise of faithful support that Germany would stick with Austria for whatever action they planned to do to put Serbia in its place. -
WW1 begins
The Austro-Hungarians declared war on Serbia, Germany on Austria's side invaded neutral countries before moving to France triggering Great Britain to declare war on Germany. This caused the Ottoman Empire and other countries to later on join the allies and central allies. -
Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare
Unrestricted submarine warfare was started by the Germans during WW1. It was when Germany declared war on the area around the British Isles where all the ships were including boats of neutral countries. The incident was just made so the U.S could be triggered and enter World war. -
Sinking of Lusitania
The day a German U-boat torpedoed the RMS Lusitania causing it to sink a British fine boat that was headed to Liverpool, England. Killing a lot of people including 120 Americans.
Woodrow Wilson had pledged to keep neutrality which Americans favored, but Britain being a trade partner made tension arise between Germany and the U.S which led to the entrance of the U.S to WW1. -
Zimmerman Telegram
The Zimmerman telegram was a coded message sent to a German ambassador in Mexico saying that if they sided with Germany in the war they would get back the territory the U.S had stolen from them. The coded message was sent purposely to trigger the U.S into entering the World war. -
U.S entry to WW1
Two years later after the war had begun and keeping his pledge of staying neutral, President Woodrow Wilson declared war on Germany. The United States fought along side Britain, France, Russia, and Italy until the war ended. -
The Treaty of Versailles
Five years later after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the Treaty of Versailles brought peace among Germany and the Allied powers, it had ended the war. -
Rise of Adolf Hitler
Hitler's power of convincing people in time of crisis after losing in war led everyone in Germany to believe that he could get them out of misery after being economically and physiologically hurt. Hitler analyzed the moment wisely and decided to set action as everyone's pride rose by his words so everyone followed along believing that what he would do was right. -
Effects of WW1
Effects of World War I, the so called Roaring Twenties, the U.S' economy was booming and profits rising. Production and efficiency increased and technology was advancing. On the other hand, European countries and their economies were devastated. Everyone was living a time of big crisis and everything became scarce while European countries were trying to rebuild all that was devastated. -
Dawes Plan
The Dawes Plan was a contract where the U.S loans Germany money to repair their economy, so while Germany's economy rises again they pay France war reparations. After all that France pays the U.S war loans back. -
Young Plan
The Young Plan was a contract introduced by a young American banker that did not want America to lose any of their own money so the Young Plan was made to reduce German reparations by 3/4. Germans disliked it because it meant that they were taking the whole blame for the war. -
The Great Depression
America's stock market crashed in 1929 which sent Wall Street into panic wiping out many investors. It was a long moment of economic downturn for America. Bank failures led to people losing their savings and their jobs. Lack of available credit because banks had no money to lend and people stopped spending which made it worse.