Events leading to unification of Germany

  • Zollverein

    The Zollverein was a union created to get rid of tariffs (taxes). Every German state signed it except for Austria. Austria did not sign because they wanted to stick to their old ways. All of the states who did sign it, their economy skyrocketed. It was a positive effect for all of Germany except Austria.
  • The German Confederation Re-established and the Danish Constitution Conflicts

    The German Confederation was re-established. At the same time, the Danish king said he was to introduce a constitution that would exclude Schleswig into his kingdom. This had no resolution to the German/Danish conflict and it led to war. It was positve for Germany because they have an opportunity to get land.
  • Period: to

    Schleswig and Holstein

    Bismarck wanted to annex both countries, to do this he needed to start a war with Denmark. France was bribed by promises of compensation in the Rhineland. Bismarck defeated Denmark and laid the foundations of war with Austria. It was a positve effect because Germany got more land thus more power.
  • Treaty of Prague

    The treaty ended the Seven Weeks' War. It gave the possession of Schleswig-Holstein to Prussia and ordered Austria to give Venetia to Italy. Most importantly, Austrian emperor Franz Joseph was required to recognize the German Confederation but would not be allowed to enter into it. It was a positive effect because Germany did not have to worry about Austria for a while
  • Seven Weeks' War

    Seven Weeks' War
    In this cartoon, the personification of Denmark watches as Austria and Prussia fight the Seven Weeks' War, while Prussia's ally, Italy, enters the scene with sword unsheathed. It was a positive effect for Prussia because it showed Italy's loyalty to them.
  • Southern Germany and the North German Confederation

    Southern Germany and the North German Confederation
    North German Confederation created by Bismarck, made Prussia the most powerful German state. Southern German states still follow Austria’s lead. The cartoon states that “In the end, the South Germans, too, will join; we are obviously still too liberal for them!” It was a positive effect for Germany because it reeled in the Southern states.
  • The Ems Telegram

    When King Wilhelm I was in the spa-resort, he was joined by the French Ambassador who raised the issue of the Spanish succession. The king sent a telegram to Bismarck and told him it was a friendly exchange. Bismarck then twisted the words of the telegram and made it look like the French were being pushy. The telegram was posted to every newspaper in Europe. It was a negative effect for France because now everyone is against them.
  • French defeated by Prussia at Battle of Sedan, Napoleon III captured.

    French defeated by Prussia at Battle of Sedan, Napoleon III captured.
    Prussia totally demolishes the French. The treaty of Frankfurt was signed on May 10, 1871 . France ceded Alsace, except Belfort and eastern Lorraine to Germany and agreed that a German army could occupy northern France till France paid five billion Francs.
  • Imperial Proclamation

    Imperial Proclamation
    Chancellor Bismarck proclaimed the German Empire in the Palace of Versailles. This was Germany’s revenge for the humiliations imposed by Louis XIV and Napoléon I.
  • Bismarck forced to resign as Chancellor.

    Bismarck and the new kaiser did not get along. Tensions rose so high that there was even rumors of war breaking out. Bismarck decided to resign