events leading to the silver war

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    events leading to the civil war

  • events leading to the civil war

    The results of the 1800 census show a total population of 5,084,912 including 887,612 slaves or 17% of the population. Slaves are virtually non-existent in northern states and as high as 42% in South Carolina and 39% in Virginia. August - Slave Gabriel Prosser leads a group of armed slaves in rebellion. His plan involved seizing Capitol Square in Richmond, Virginia and taking Governor James Monroe as a hostage, in order to bargain with city authorities for freedom. Ultimately Gabriel, along
  • events leading to the civil war

    Ohio becomes the seventeenth state and enters the Union as a free state based on the terms of the Northwest Ordinance
  • events leading to the civil war

    Congress passes law banning the importation of any new slaves into the United States effective January 1, 1808.
  • events leading to the civil war

    The results of the 1810 census show a total population of 6,807,786 including 1,130,781 slaves or 17% of the population. Slaves are virtually non-existent in northern states and as high as 47% in South Carolina and 42% in Georgia
  • events leading to the civil war

    Louisiana becomes the eighteenth state and enters the Union as a slave state.
  • events leading to the civil war

    Indiana becomes the nineteenth state and enters the Union as a free state.
  • events leading to the civil war

    Illinois becomes the twenty first state and enters the Union as a free state.
  • events leading to the civil war

    The results of the 1820 census show a total population of 10,037,323 including 1,529,012 slaves or 15% of the population. Slaves are virtually non-existent in northern states and as high as 51% in South Carolina and 45% in Louisiana.
  • events leading to the civil war

    The state of New York abolishes slavery.
  • events leading to the civil war

    Congress again raises tariffs with the Tariff of Abominations. The tariffs are designed to support American industry and in that way are successful greatly benefiting the northern industrial economy, however the tariffs are damaging to the southern agricultural economy.
  • events leading to the civil war

    The results of the 1840 census show a total population of 16,987,946 including 2,482,546 slaves or 15% of the population. Slaves are virtually non-existent in northern states and as high as 55% in South Carolina and 52% in Mississippi.
  • events leading to the civil war

    Former slave, Frederick Douglass, publishes his autobiography - Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. March - Florida becomes the twenty seventh state and enters the Union as a slave state in 1845. December - Texas becomes the twenty eighth state and enters the Union as a slave state in 1845.
  • events leading to the civil war

    Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery in Maryland. She reportedly returned to the South 19 times and brought out more than 300 slaves.
  • events leading to the civil war

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act passes Congress and thus overturns the Missouri Compromise opening the Northern territory to slavery. Both sides begin to send settlers into the areas in an effort to influence the future status of these areas.
  • events leading to the civil war

    Minnesota becomes the thirty second state and enters the Union as a free state in 1858
  • events leading to the civil war

    While Abraham Lincoln was running for Presidentry, 6 states including South Carolina said that they would brake off from the Union if he won causing Lincoln and the Republican Party to make is so that any states joining the Union could not be slave states.
  • events leading to the civil war

    May 6th - Arkansas secedes from the Union. May20th - North Carolina secedes from the Union. June 8th - Tennessee secedes from the Union.