The Decembrist Revolt
A small group of nobles and army officers tried to overthrow the czar's government. They hoped to set up a constitutional monarchy. Czar Nicholas 1 quickly crushed the uprising. Despite the Decemberist failure, they became heros to later generations of revolutions.
This was insperational to other people who wanted to do revolutions. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
A new czar, Alexander II, emancipated, or freed, the serfs. The freed serfs gained a few political right and were allowed to keep their homes and tools, Instead of being given land, however, they had to buy it at high prices. Burdened with debt and high-taxes, most peasants continued to live in terrible poverty.
This helped cause the Russian Revolution because people were forced to pay high prices to get back their homes that they lost -
The Assassination of Alexander II
At the Winter Palace, Saint Petersburg, Russia
At first, Russian's tried to help the support of peasants in a great revolution that would end inequality and do away with to win private ownership of poverty. When efforts to win popular support failed, radical groups turned to terrorism and assassinated Alexander II
They were mad because someone had assassinated Alexander II -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian throne
During the February Revolution, Czar Nicholas II, ruler of Russia, was forced to leave the throne, and a provincial government was installed in his place.
The people found out that later on, their czar was killed and this made them very angry -
Bloody Sunday
This was a day where much blood was spilled. This was by the shooting of the czar's soilders when the people tried to make a peaceful march, but instead got shot for doing nothing.
Many live were lost that day, which made the people furious. -
The Russo-Japanese War
A conflict with Japan over Korea and Manchuria led to the Russo-Japanese War. The war resulted in a stunning loss for Russia and increased economic hardships
This helped with the Russian Revolution because the people plamed the czar for all the economic hardships. -
The Revolution of 1905
The events of Bloody Sunday, as a massacre was called, horrified Russians and sparked the Revolution of 1905. Riots and strikes swept the cities. In the countryside, peasants looted and burned the homes of landowners.
People were mad that their home were destroyed -
World War I
A war fought from 1914 to 1918, in which included Great Britain, France, Russia, Belgium, Italy, Japan, the United States, and other allies defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria.
A lot of people were lost and this made people upset -
The March Revolution
This began with rioting and strikes in St. Petersburg. The unrest was triggered pretty much by food shortages in the city, which were caused by the wider problems of a worsening economy.
People were mad that there was no food, and that their economy was really bad