The Decembrist Revolt
It all started when the czar Alexander the first died. The royal guard then swore themselves to the next in line Constantine, but he stepped down and then Nicholas took over. About 3,000 men tried to revolt and were failing, so Nicholas tried to make peace with them. They refused and fought back so Nicholas used artillery against them. It made the people mad and started to lead up to the revolution. -
Czar Alexander II Emancipates the Serfs
In 1861, Alexander decided to free the serfs. Most of the serfs were then able to buy and own land of their own. -
Assassination of Alexander II
Alexander II was killed in the streets of St. Petersburg. A revolutionist threw a bomb at him and killed him. The killer was a part of the "People's Will" group. It led to the revolution because what that group was trying to achieve was eventually done by Lenin in the Russian Revolution. -
The Russo-Japenese War
The war began because of conflicts about who owned Manchuria and Korea. Negotiations failed and battles broke out. Russia was poorly organized and Japan easily defeated them over a number of battles on land and sea. It led to the Russian Revolution because everyone blamed the czar for their loss. -
Bloody Sunday
People were protesting in a crowd near the palace peacefully. Then, under order of Czar Nicholas II, the Imperial Guard fired random shots into the crowd. It was one of the key events leading to the revolution because it showed that the czar didn't care about the common people. -
Revolution of 1905
The revolution was a wave of political and social unrest throughout Russia. It included worker strikes and peasant unrest. It led to limited constitutional monarchy and a multi-party system. It lead to the revolution because in the country there ended up being a lot of anger towards the government. -
World War I (Russian Involvment)
Russia entered the war with the largest army at 1.4 million soldiers. Even though they had that many soldiers, they did'nt have enough rifles for all of them. Russia ended up having a devestating defeat in the war and caused anger in Russia. -
The March Revolution
This revolution was mainly placed in St. Petersburg. It led to the forming of the Russian Provisional Government. The revolt also caused Nicholas II to step down. Then the revolution started to go into full swing and this was one of the final steps. -
Czar Nicholas II Abdicates the Russian Throne
Nicholas led Russia into many costly wars which made the people very angry. They eventually held a strike against him at his palace. He was forced to abdicate his throne.