Czar NIcholas II abdicates the Russian throne
Czar Nicholas II choose to abdicate after the "February Revolution". He named his brother as the next Emperor of Russia. -
The Decembrist Revolution
A small group of noblrs and army officers tried to everthrough the czar's goverment because they wanted to set up a constitutional monarchy. Czar NIcholas I quickly destroyed them. After the revolt, he banned books that might contain liberal ideas and targeted universities and schools as centers on unrest. THis helped lead to the revolution because -
Czar Alexander Emancipates the serfs
Alexander had to decide if the serfs would become depndent on the landlords, or if they should be transformed into a class of independent propietors. He choose the latter. Russian peasants became one of the last groups of peasatns in Europe to emancipate serfdom. -
The Assassination of Alexander II
Alexander was in St. Petersburg when two (out of the three planned) bombs were thrown at him. He wanted to set up an elected parliament (DUMA) but was killed before it was released.. This helped lead to the revolution because caused a great setback for the reform movement. -
The Russo-Japenese War
This war grew out of a rival imperial ambition over Manchuria and Korea. The Japenese won the war causing Russia to be very weak. This helped lead o the revolution because it had a large pschological effect on the people of Russia. -
Bloody Sunday
Father Georgi had planned a peaceful march of factory workers asking for better wworking conditions. The Czar ordered soldiers to shot at the crowd. This helped lead to the revolution because the massacre horrified Russians and sparked the revolution. -
The Revolution of 1905
Bloody sunday "sparked" the revolution. Czar Nicholas II ageed to set up an elected assembly called DUMA. Czar NIcholas abdicated his throne. -
World War I (Russian Involvement)
Russia was on the Allied side. Russia invaded Germany but Germany pushed Russia's forces back and fighting happened in Russia. Russia pulled out of the war. -
The March Revolution
Riots and strikes erupted in Petrograd. The goverment sent troops to restore order. Czar Nicholas abdicated his throne. -
Czar Nicholas II abdicates the Russian Throne
Czar Nicholas chose to abdicate after the "February Revolution". He then named his brother as the next Emperor of Russia.