Proclamation of 1763
The Proclamation of 1783 was when Great Britan signed a document forbiding anyone to settle past the Appalachian Mountains. This angured colonist and lead to the start of the Revoultionary War -
The Suger Act
This act taxed sugar and molasses being imported from the colonies. -
The Stamp Act
The Stamp Act was when British Paraliment taxed anything with paper. Many colonist hated this because they felt like they were getting taxed unfairly. -
Boston Massacre
The Boston Massacre is when a crowd protesting against the Townshed Acts had to end early becuase the british soilders fired into the crowd killing 3 and harming others. -
The Tea Act
The Tea Act reapeled many taxes but didnt repeal one on tea.The tax made it to where the East Indina tea company was the onlly place to buy tea. -
The Boston Tea Party
In defiance of The Tea Act some protesters threw alot of tea into the boston harbor -
First Continental Cogress
55 delegates appointed by 12 of the 13 states and they met to talk about and think about Great Britain and what to do. -
The Battle of Lexington and Concord
The Battle of Lexington and Concord was the first battle of the Revoultionary War. The British wanted to burn down the rebel's supplies. Pual Rervere warned the milta about the British that where coming. When the british came to lexington the local milta stoped them but they lost hard. when the britsh found none of the rebel's supplies theymarche back but the milta used gorrils warfare and hid in the bushes they ambushed the Brtitsh and was able ot send them back to Boston. -
Declaration pf Independace
This is the day when the United States gained freedom from Great Britain.