French and Indian War
What started the French and Indian War was France declared war on the British. The British had to pay for the war. They raised the prices on many goods causing many colonists to get angry and start to protest. This event is very important to tell us part of why the colonists decided to declare independence from Great Britain. Once the colonists figured out why Great Britain was raising prices and causing many different acts, they were enraged causing them to not want to be a part of it anymore. -
Proclomation of 1763
The Proclamation of 1763 occurred on October, 7, 1763 at the end of the French and Indian War. It closed lands north and west of the Appalachian mountains for settlement. Colonists were extremely mad. The goal was to stop conflicts that had risen between the Native Americans and Colonists due to the French and Indian War. It was very important to settle the conflicts before total war would break out. -
Quartering Act
The Quartering act started in 1763 and it allowed British soldiers to stay in colonists houses. Parliament passed this law to save money because of the French and Indian war and they did that, to also maintain peace between colonists and Indians. The colonists were forced to provide for the British soldiers because of this act. The colonists then began to protest that the Parliament was violating their rights. -
Sugar Act
The Sugar Act started in 1764 and it put a higher tax on all sugar and molasses. Parliament passed this law only because they needed money to pay off the debt from the French and Indian War. The colonists thought that after the war they would lower the taxes on sugar and molasses but they were wrong. When they found out the price they began to protest and ended the sugar act all together. -
Sons of Liberty
The Sons of Liberty made their first apperance on March 22nd, 1765. Sons of Liberty dumped tea in the Boston Harbor. They also did various things such as tar and feather people. The Sons of Liberty were important mostly because of their rebellious acts against taxing products and other things which is what the British did to pay for the French and Indian war. These men weren't as more patriots as they were a group of almost dangerous rebellions. -
Stamp Act
The Stamp Act started in 1765 as a way to tax the colonists even more as the British were doing at the moment. This act came after the Quartering act which was a failure for the British, but good for the colonists. This tax applied to all paper products. Such products included paper, books, newspapers, even playing cards. -
Townshend Act
The Townshend acts was yet another act that came after the Stamp Act and it started in 1767. This act put a tax applied to tea, paper, glass, and lead. During this time the Daughters of Liberty were born. They made their own clothes and fabrics to avoid paying taxes. The daughters also agreed to not buy anything produced by the British. -
Tea Act
The Tea Act of 1773 was a tax that was supposed to help the British East India Company. They lowered the price of the tea making it harder for the colonists to sell their tea. The colonists refused to buy their tea which started to hurt the British East India Company. The ships holding the tea went back to Britain only to have to return. -
Boston Tea Party
The Boston Tea Party set place in one of the shipping docks in Boston, Massachusetts on December 16th, 1773. This all started because the American colonists were sick of paying taxes on the English tea. The Sons of Liberty soon decided to dress up as Native Americans and destroy all of the tea on one of the English ships that was coming in that day. Thousands of pounds of tea worth thousands of dollars was thrown overboard. An interesting fact about the attack on the tea is that the Sons of Lib -
Battle of Lexington
The Battle of Lexington started the American Revolution in 1775. Before the battle began the British decided to come to Lexington because they were going to confiscate the American’s weapons. While the British were arriving 77 minutemen (Militia) waited for them to come. The commander of the British soldiers told the minutemen to return to their houses, they refused to go home. Then someone fired a shot, no one knows who shot it.