German unification

Events Leading to the Germanic Unification

By shr9873
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution had a postive effect on Germany, by inspiring them to become unified. (Seconday source)
  • Napoleonic System

    Napoleonic System
    The Napoleonic System grouped all of the German states together, and just made it Germany to make ruling easier. This created nationalism, a sense of unity due to a common hatred of Napoleon in this case. Although Napoleon did a lat of bad things, he did have a positive effect on Germsny, even if it was accidental.
  • Zollverein

    The Zollverein basically incouraged trade and economic dependence on the neighboring Germsn states, giving Prussia more power and making the Geman states work together. This was economically a positive effect.
  • Otto Von Bismarck

    Bismarck's sole goal was to make a unified Germany with Prussia being the leader, and he succeded. I would say he had a great positive effect on Germany.