Events Leading to the Civil War Timeline

  • Wilimot Proviso

    Wilimot Proviso
    he wanted to stop slavery from spreading from the south to the north.
  • Lincoln - Douglas Debate "A House Divided Against itself can not stand

    Lincoln - Douglas Debate "A House Divided Against itself can not stand
    lincoln and douglas were debating about banning slavery.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    congress finally passed the five bills based on clay's proposals.
  • "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is first published

    "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is first published
    it was a book about a fugitive slave who helps other slaves.
  • Kansas - Nebraska Act

    Stephen Douglas wanted to make land and homes and spread around the new forming country
  • John Brown's Masacre at Pottawatomie Creek

    John Brown's Masacre at Pottawatomie Creek
    he killed some people during a raid and than he got hung because of the crime he commented he tried to get the slaves to revolt but it did not work.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    he was an enslaved person who was moved to a free state and wanted to be free but was not granted it.
  • John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry, Virginia

    John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry, Virginia
    an attack were john brown was supposed to attack a place ad have the slaves join in too but they did not and then he was captured.
  • South Carolina Secedes from the Union

    Lincoln's election was very surprising throughout the south which caused some southern states to secede.
  • Confederate States of America are formed

    Confederate States of America are formed
    lots of the states in the U.S. are separation away and they were debating a lot which was starting to heat up.
  • Confederate Troops Fire at Fort Sumter, South Carolina

    it was the most tragic conflict when at night the confederates attacked fort Sumter.