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Events Leading To The Civil War Timeline

  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    A representative from Pennsylvania named David Wilmot proposed that the area that was gained from Mexico should ban slavery there. It was never passed, but it worried people in the South.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Henry Clay proposed this compromise. It created lots of laws that benefited the north and the south. It stated that the land gained from the Mexican Cession would be decided free or slave using popular sovereignty.
  • "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is Published

    "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is Published
    The daughter of an abolitionist published a book that went through the life of a slave and showed people how bad slavery could be. It was one of the most popular books in the north. The book got people's attention and made people go against slavery. The people in the south were mad because they said it was inaccurate and that wasn’t what it was like for a slave.
  • Kansas - Nebraska Act

    Kansas - Nebraska Act
    Stephen Douglas proposed that the territories of Kansas and Nebraska should be decided free or slave using popular sovereignty. The act passed and got rid of the Missouri Compromise. The southerners were pleased with the act but the northerners were strongly against it.
  • John Brown's Massacre at Pottawatomie Creek

    John Brown's Massacre at Pottawatomie Creek
    John Brown took a few men to a pro-slavery settlement in Kansas near the creek. They murdered 5 men and boys and caused lots of drama and fighting in Kansas.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    He was a slave that had many owners then was moved to Wisconsin. Because he lived in a place where slavery was illegal he believed he was free. He sued for his freedom. Eventually the case made it to the Supreme Court. The Chief Justice there stated that Scott had no right to sue and that no African American had the right to be free. He also said that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional and that slavery should be allowed to expand to the north.
  • Lincoln - Douglas Debate: House Divided Speech

    Lincoln - Douglas Debate: House Divided Speech
    They had a couple different debates, all on slavery. That’s all they talked about for 3 hours. Lincoln was against slavery and Douglas was for popular sovereignty. Lincoln became famous because of these debates and these debates led to him being elected president.
  • John Brown's Raid at Harpers Ferry, Virginia

    John Brown's Raid at Harpers Ferry, Virginia
    After moving to New England, John Brown made a plan to steal weapons from Harpers Ferry. He came with a small group of people and took over the base. He was hoping the enslaved African Americans would join the rebellion, but they never came. Some troops came and captured John Brown and stopped the attack.
  • Republican Abraham Lincoln is Elected President

    Republican Abraham Lincoln is Elected President
    There were four different people running for president in the election. Abraham Lincoln got most of the votes and became president. The South got very angry because a republican that was against slavery was elected. That led to states breaking away from the Union.
  • South Carolina Secedes From the Union

    South Carolina Secedes From the Union
    The southern states were very angry when Lincoln became president. They believed that he would try to abolish slavery. South Carolina didn’t want that to happen and didn’t want them as their president so they seceded.
  • Confederate States of America Are Formed

    Confederate States of America Are Formed
    Lots of states separated from the US because they didn’t like Abraham Lincoln as their president. The southern states had a meeting and decided that they were going to create their own nation and named Jefferson Davis the president.
  • Confederate Troops Fire at Fort Sumter, South Carolina

    Confederate Troops Fire at Fort Sumter, South Carolina
    The Confederate troops surrounded Fort Sumner occupied by American troops. They were making the troops starve in the fort because they were isolated and didn’t have food. Abraham Lincoln tried to send food, but before it got there, the Confederate troops attacked and took over the fort.