Friedrick Douglas autobiography.
one of the first auto biographies ever published by a formar slave. It outlined the life of the slave for the first time to northern audiences and helped form abolisionists. -
Hariet Tubman escapes and helps underground railroad
The underground railroad is one of the boldest abolitionist attemps to stop slavery. The activly went into the south and freed slaves with the help of freed slaves, the most well known one being hariet tubman. -
fugitive slave act
this act allowed for slave owners and other lawenforcement to recapture escaped slaves that had made it to free states. it led to many slave owners going north to hunt for slaves and taking freed slaves back into slavery.Many northerners and abolitionists thought it was a violation on their territory and were against this act. -
washing D.C bans slave trade
one of the first times that the move away from slavery was obvious to the nation. This banning upset many southerners seeing that the country was trying to hide its use of slavery -
compromise of 1850
it delayed the civil war for a few years by smoothing a few thing over for the moment. It did not fix enough to alltogeather prevent the civil war however. -
Uncle tom's cabin
A key novel for the abolishionists, named Uncle tom's cabin, was published illustrating the cruel treatment of slave to the people who lived in free state raising the number of abolishionists. -
kansas-nebraska act
Douglas pushed this act to be passed so there could be popular soverinty in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. it was to help decide wether or not kansas would be a free or slave state. the only thing it did lead to however was a long period of violence in which abolitionists and slave owners killed eachother to get an edge in kansas. -
bloody kansas
This was were many people moved to kansas over weather or not it would become a free or slave state. It was hearlded by bloodshed and violence. -
charles sumner is attacked by preston
Charles sumner, a radical abolitionist, was attacked by preston after giving a speach against the violence going on in kansas at the time. he called out slave owners as the cause of the violence which angered preston who beat him with his cane. it helped push the idea that southerners were violent and aggressive. -
tarrif of 1857
Lowered the national tarrif helping out the south, but hurts the proffets of the north. Raising tentions. -
Dred Scott v. Stanford
A major court case over the case of slavery were dred scott sued for his freedom after moving to a free state with his owner. it was decided that he couldnt sue since he was property and didnt have the right as a citizen. this cause an uproar among abolitionists and helped to increase tentions. -
John Brown attacks harper's ferry.
John brown, a leading abolitionist, Led an armed slave revolt in georgia hoping to help the distruction of slavery. This only led to his capture and exicution. It was a major agitation to the south seeing as a northern abolitionist was begining to help slave revolts. -
lincoln's election
Abraham lincoln was elected into the presedency. His views on slavery were too radical for the southern slave states, so they suceeded from the union. -
south carolina succeeds from the union
Angry at the election of lincoln, south carolina decides to split of from the union setting up the battlefields for the upcoming war. -
Northern troops move to sumpter
Once South carolina succeded from the union, northern general Robert Anderson moved into sumpter setting up for the shots that begin the civil war.