Events leading to the civil war

  • The compromise of 1850

    The compromise of 1850
    The compromise of 1850 consisted of 5 laws passed that dealt with the issue of slavery and the western and northern expansion of slavery and territories. Senator Henry Clay introduced a series of resolutions on January the 29th to prevent crisis between north and south . Along with slavery they had compromised territory’s and having balance in this country.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    In 1854 Stephen Douglas presented a bill that would split up the Nebraskan territory that covered modern day Nebraska,Kansas, Montana and the Dakotas. Stephen Douglas wanted this passed as he wanted to create a railroad to the west as to further western expansion. Then southern senators led by David Archison wanted to use the bill to overturn the Missouri act of 1820 that prohibited slavery.
  • Period: to

    Bleeding Kansas

    A period in which violent warfare broke out between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces in Kansas in which 56 people lost there lives and maybe up to 200. In Kansas there was a state level civil war between 2 constitutions the Topeka and lecomption.
  • Preston Brooks vs Charles Sumner

    Preston Brooks vs Charles Sumner
    a member of the House of Representatives entered the Senate Chamber and savagely beat a senator into unconsciousness. The reason for this brutal action was Charles sumner a anti-slavery republican addressed the senate on which the state of Kansas should be a free or slave state. After a few words between senate and some pro slavery democrats and about 3 days later. A butler of the democrats, Preston brooks entered the old chamber and beat Charles sumner with a metal topped cane in the head.
  • Dred Scott v. Sandford

    Dred Scott v. Sandford
    The case of Dred Scott v. Sandford was a case of an African Slave who’s owners took him over state lines to free states(Wisconsin and Illinois) which he made his case that since he was taken into free states he is freed and is legally no longer a slave. The Supreme Court decided against Dred Scott saying that people of African descent "are not included, and were not intended to be included, under the word 'citizens' in the Constitution, and can therefore claim none of the rights within.”
  • John Browns Raid on harper’s Ferry

    John Browns Raid on harper’s Ferry
    John browns raid on the harpers ferry was an effort to initiate a slave revolt in southern slave states by taking over US Arsenal in harpers ferry in West Virginia. Brown had a group of about 22 people who were all defeated and 10 died during the raid and 7 were executed later. John brown also tried to ask Harriet Tubman and Fredrick Douglas but both denied for there own reasons. Colonel Robert E. Lee was in charge of the retaking of the Arsenal. John Wilkes booth watched as brown was executed.
  • Election of Abraham Lincoln

    Election of Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was elected the 16th president of the United States making him the first republican to be elected. Lincoln had argued against the spread of slavery in senate race. Though this sparked national attention to the young Republican Party and eventually won him his presidency. On his inauguration March 4,1861 7 states has seceded and the confederate of the United States was formed. This lead into the civil war and started it when confederate forces fired upon fort Sumter.
  • How’d this all help to start the civil war

    How’d this all help to start the civil war
    Everyone of the events helped split up the United States by the want of expanding slavery by the south. Starting slowly with laws and acts to disagreements in senate to beatings in the senate. to eventually raids and the all out war. Every event adding more tension and division in the nation. Along with the case of Dred Scott showing unconstitutionally of slavery.
  • Lincoln-Douglas debates

    Lincoln-Douglas debates
    The Lincoln-Douglas were a series of seven debates between republican candidate Abraham Lincoln and the democratic candidate Stephen Douglas. The debates were held in Illinois nine Congressional districts. The debates were focused on slavery and weather or not it should be allowed in new states from territory from the Louisiana purchase which Lincoln agreed with to stop but to not stop all slavery. Douglas argued that the decision should be held state level not federally.