The Missouri Compromise
Passed in 1820, Missouri would become a slave state and Maine would be accepted as a free state. This was significant because it kept the balance between the slave states and the free states equal. -
Tariff of Abominations
This Tariff hurt the South while helping the North. the Purpose of the Tariff was to help northern industries by putting a tax on low priced items. This hurt the south becaus ethey had to pay taxes on things they did not make. -
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Know Nothing Party
the know nothing parties main goal was to keep power away from immigrants and catholics. -
Wilmot Proviso
Suggested that slavery should be banned from any territory gained from the mexican-american war. This was significant beacause it increaded sectional differences. -
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Free Soil Party
Formed in 1848 by northern whigs and democrats. This was significant because it was created for having a main goal of getting rid of slavery. -
Compromise of 1850
A series of compromises which included the admission of california, the texas and new mexico act, the utah act, the fugitive slave act, and the act abolishing slave trade in washinton DC. The compromise of 1850 was significant because it negated the compromise of 1820. -
Differing Economies of the North and South
The North and the south economies were very different. The North was very industrial with many factories. While the South was more agriculturly based having many plantations that grew mostly cotton and tobacco. This is significant because inthe civil war, the north will have a clear advantage over the south, because they are able to bring in more money. -
Fugitive Slave Act
The Fugitive Slave Act was part of the compromise of 1850.The act stated that all captured slaves must be returned to there masters. This was significant becaus eit hurt the north, but helped the south. -
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The Underground Railroad
The underground railroad was a network of escape routes for slaves. this was significant beacause it alowed slaves to escape to the north, which therefore laws had to be created to capture the slaves, and what to do with them when they were captured. -
Uncle Toms Cabin
Written by Harriet Stowe, Uncle Toms Cabin was an anti slavery novel. This book is significant because it outraged southerners and raised tensions over slavery. -
Kansas Nebraska Act
The Kansas Nebraska act enlisted Kansas and Nebraska as Legitiment land to settle. This was significant because it let people who lived in nebraska and kansas vote on if they wanted to make the states free or slave. -
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Republican Party
This party was created in opposition to slavery. This was significant because people from all the differnt parties who opposed slavery joined the republican party, which let all the anti slavery people belong to one specific party. -
Sack of Lawrence
The sack of Lawerence Sparked tentions between the north and the south. This was significant because it helped intensify bleeding kansas. -
Pottawatomie Massacre
The Pottawatomie massacre was in responce to the Sack of Lawerence. Abolitionists took Pro Slavery members and Exicuted the Pro Slavery members. This was significant because it enraged the southerners. -
Brooks/Sumner Senate Caning
Preston Brooks beat Senator Charles Sumner until he was unconcious. This was in responce to an adress that Sumner made to congress about making kansas a free state. This was significant because it enraged the north. -
the Election of 1856
James Buchanan was elected president. this was significant because it helped grow new emergining pearty like the Republican Party and the Know-Nothing Party. -
Dred Scott Decision
Dred Scott sued for his freedom in 1857. Scott lived as a slave in the north after his owner braugh thim to the north. when his owner died he was taken to back to the south, and sued for his freedom claiming he had lived in the north for a long time and because his owner died he was a free man. In the end, Scott was denied his freedom. This was significant because it helped the south, and upset the north. -
Lincoln Douglas Debates
The Lincoln Douglas Debates were 7 debates in total between the presidential canidates Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas. This was significant because the debates took the issue of slavery to the american people. -
Freeport Doctrine
Stephen Douglas explained the slavery could exist only where there was slave code. This was significant because that meant that all the territories that were being created west, would not be able to have slavery. -
Harpers Ferry Incidient
John Brown and other Abolitionists raided a United States Armory. This was significant because it braught attention to issues concerning slavery. -
South Carolina Secession
South Carolina was the first state to secede from the union. this was significant because south carolina was the first state to secede from the union, which created a path for the other southern states to follow in. -
The Election of 1860
In 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected President of the United States. This was significant because he was from the north, which meant there would be a northern president in office. This greatly hurt the south. -
Formation of the Confederate States of America
Formed in 1861, Jefferson Davis was elected president of the CSA. This was significant because the south broke away from the union and created its own country. -
Fort Sumter
A crucial battle in south carolina. this was significant because it was a major battle in the civil war. -
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Fort Sumter