The old flag never touched the ground

Events Leading to the Civil War

By ColeJ1
  • The Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri compromise was the attempt to create a fair compromise for new states on weather to be slave or free states. This did work for a period of time but only made the conflict worse as years of debate went on to the civil war
  • The End of the Mexican-American War

    The End of the Mexican-American War
    The end of this war ended with a treaty which created huge conflicts and compromise. This treaty was the U.S gaining states California, Utah , Parts of Arizona New Mexico, Wyoming and Colorado. So now they had to decide what these states would be. So this created more build up between the two sides of slavery opinion
  • The Fugitive Slave Law is Passed

    The Fugitive Slave Law is Passed
    This law forced any federal official who didn't arrest a runaway slave would be fined. This angered abolitionists an continued the build up of anger between the two forces. This also made slaves use the underground railroads more often
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin is Published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin is Published
    Uncle Tom's Cabin was the book written by a abolitionist which changed the view points for others and said to have really impacted towards the civil war
  • The Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act
    This was another attempt of compromises to fix the torn apart U.S . All this resulted in was more violence and a clear pathway to Civil War
  • Brooks attacks sumner

    Brooks attacks sumner
    Right after senate Sumner the abolitionist presented his speech about pro slavery being part of the bleeding Kansas proslavery senate Brooks attacks Sumner with his cane brutally
  • The Dred Scott Decision

    The Dred Scott Decision
    The Dred Scott decision was the case of Dred Scott who claimed that he shouldn't be a slave because he was in a free state. His issue got neglected which angered abolitionists tremendously
  • Lecompton Constitution Rejection

    Lecompton Constitution Rejection
    This was the proposal of Kansas being a slave state which got declined and voted to be a free state
  • John Brown Raids Harper's Ferry

    John Brown Raids Harper's Ferry
    John Brown a anti-slavery believer who led a small army of 17 capturing building and eventually seized . This was another push from the abolitionists that caused problems
  • The Election of Abraham Lincoln

    The Election of Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham was elected 1860 and had no big side in the slavery sides. But when he was a elected his republican party mad sure the southern slave owners did not expand as they were worried about them getting to powerful