The American Colonization Society forms
The event of the American Colonization Society was the main supporter of the return to free many African American so there was more free black people in Africa. This event helped the Liberia by it was founded because of it. There were two groups one of the groups wanted to free the black and the you had the other group who did not want to do anything to help the blacks. There was one plus to these groups they both agreed that neither black or white would have a combined society. -
Missouri Compromise
Missouri was the slave state during the Missouri Compromise. This event wanted to try to preserve and balance of power between the Congress so they would be able to free the slaves and keep states slave free and slave states. The amount of slave states was equal to non slave states. -
The American Antislavery Society forms
The Antislavery Act was an act when the whole society of the South and the North could not completely agree with the idea of getting rid of slavery completely.These anitslavery Americans tried thier hardest to convince the north that slaves were bad. When the society couldn't agree they kept the slaves because if they didn't the economy would plunge big time. -
The Liberty Party
The Liberty Party was the first Anti-slavery party. This act was to get rid of alot of northern states that had slavery. Those states were mostly the north. Northern Slavery was on the rise and so many memebers of the party called Free Soil joined together and made one primary party of the north. -
The Mexican-American War starts
The war started out due to misunderstanding between Mexico and Americas territory. America invadedd the northwest and north east part of Mexico. There was only one problem Mexico was still not giving up and could not agree on territories. So the Americans finally captured Mexico City and it ended with them winnning. -
Wilmot Proviso
The Wilmot Proviso was a bill that was brought to the House of Repersentives during the Mexican war. This bill offered $2 million that would help settle Mexico's arugment about territory. Also the bill offered that theAmerican people won would be open to slaves. -
The Free Soil Party forms
The Free Soil Party did not last long, but it was amajor leadership party.This leadership role consisted of the retired Anti- Slaves. The whole purpose of the the Free Soil Party was to stop slavery from spreading more west then it already had. they wanted the men who lived free and on the free soil that was givin to them to be able to chip in toward this act of keeping slaves out of the west. -
California Gold Rush
The California Gold Rush was an event when gold was found along walking paths that these people took. When people founded this gold and started spearding the word it got around to many different states and brought many people from other places to California in search of this gold. With the help of many people this gold was brought together and helped the government with the states econemy. -
The Compromise of 1850
The Compromise was five bills that were combined that made the slave free states and the slave states reduce on conflict between each otherr for four years. These states took this time as a relaxation time even though each side did not agree with certain rules. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin is published
The Uncle Tom's Cabin wasa book published on true stry with the characters being what happened to real people. The novel was wriiten in help with the Civil War. What the novel did was show poeple what the Civil War should be like. -
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansas-Nebraska Act was an effort for both sides to go against the Compromise and open new land for slaves to settle in. This act was first started in hope that it would drive slaves there and would create more farms in this territory. -
The Sumner-Brooks Affiair
Sumner made his speech about slavery and Brooks one man who did not agree with Sumners, rushed into the house and began beating Sumner. Sumner almost died due to the inguries he suffered but he still did not let that discoarge his fews on slavery. -
The Dred Scott Decision
The Dred Scott decision was ruled by the supreme court it was an action that was not protected by hte Consititution. Dred Scott was a black slave who fought for him freedom and other slaves freedom. Unfoutantley he was rejected his freedom. -
The Lincoln-Douglas debates
During this debate was Lincoln and Douglas trying to win over each other the Illonis legaslature postions. The thing was both thier agruments were on slavery. After trying to gom against each other they came together and taught the people about the same thing.Well that only helped out one of them and sadly Lincoln lost that postion. -
The Election of 1860
The Election of 1860was the final event that took place before the Civil War. This election was when Abraham won. Few years later is when he declared the Civil War.