Events Leading to the American Revolution

  • French and Indian War

    War from 1756 to 1763 between France and Great Britain for supremacy in North Carolina
  • French and Indian War

    War from 1756 to 1763 between France and Great Britain for supremacy in North Carolina
  • Proclamation of 1763

    British statement that colonists could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    British statement that colonists could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains.
  • Sugar Act

    The law that tried to stop the smuggling of sugar and molasses in the colonies by reducing the tax rate.
  • Sugar Act

    A law that attempted to stop the smuggling of sugar and molasses by reducing tax rates
  • Stamp Act

    British law placing a tax on printed colonial matter
  • Quartering Act

    British 1760s law requiring colonists to supply the basic needs of
    British soldiers
  • Quartering Act

    British 1760s law requiring colonists to supply the basic needs of
    British soldiers
  • Townshend Act

    A series of laws passed by the British on the Colonies. New taxes on paper, glass, paint, lead, and tea
  • Coercive Acts

    British laws in response to the Boston Tea Party
  • Boston Massacre

    Violent confrontation between British troops and colonists.
  • Boston Massacre

    Violent confrontation between British troops and colonists
  • Boston Tea Party

    Protests by the Sons of Liberty against the British. Colonists
    dressed up as Indians and threw tea overboard. Led by Samuel
  • Boston Tea Party

    Protests by the Sons of Liberty against the British. Colonists
    dressed up as Indians and threw tea overboard. Led by Samuel
  • Tea Act

    monopoly for English tea company
  • First Continental Congress

    protest intolerable acts from committee of correspondence
  • First Continental Congress

    protest of Intolerable Acts from the committee of correspondence
  • Shot Heard Around the World

    French aid; Yorktown (end); Treaty of Paris 1783
  • Second Continental Congress

    began Art. of Confederation; organize for war; send
    Olive Branch Petition (peace) to King
  • Common Sense

    Written by Thomas Paine, that called for independence from
    Great Britain.
  • Declaration of Independence

    A document written by Thomas Jefferson to give the colonies independence from Britain