
Events Leading To The American Revolution

  • French And Indian War (1754-1763)

    French And Indian War (1754-1763)
    This war was the French,and Indian vs. Colonist,and British. They all wanted land,and where fsh with ighting over it. This fight leaft British with debt. Debt- is like the that you owe
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    Events Leading To The American Revolution

  • Proclamation

    The Praclamation lead to parlament passing a law saying colonist cant go west of app mountains. This made the colonist very mad,they wanted land! The colonist belived that the british had no righrt!
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    Because of the debt british whent into they decided to tax all papers. Also it was the first british law passed
  • Quarting Act

    Quarting Act
    Colonist where forced to house british soilders.
  • Bouston Massacre

    Bouston Massacre
    During a snowing night in Bouston a british soilder was being called mean names by a colonist. This made the soilder mad. More of the soilders,and colonists jonined the fight. During this a soilder heard the word shoot,so he shout. Five people died,and six where hurt.
  • Bouston Tea Party

    Bouston Tea Party
    When the British started taxing tea this made the colonist angry,so angery that they felt the need to sneak on a ship as British soilders. On this ship was 90,000 pounds of tea,so the colonist dumped it all in the water to show how they felt about taxing tea!