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Events leading to CW

By 43759
  • The compromise of 1850 including the Fugitive Slave Act

    The compromise of 1850 including the Fugitive Slave Act
    The fugitive slave act required that slaves be returned to their owners even if they were in a free state. The act also made federal government responsible for finding and returning escaped slaves. This led to tension between the north and the south.
  • Kansas-Nebraska act

    Kansas-Nebraska act
    The Kansas-Nebraska act was a bill mandated “popular sovereignty” - allowing settlers of a territory to decide whether slavery would be allowed within a new states border. This act reversed the Missouri Compromise and allowed slavery in the remainder of the Louisiana purchase.
  • Bleeding Kansas 1854-1856

    Bleeding Kansas 1854-1856
    Other wise know as the Border war was a series of violent civil confrontations in Kansas territory. This was known as guerrilla war between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces. This contributes to the coming of the civil war.
  • Dried Scott v. Sandford

    Dried Scott v. Sandford
    This was a court case that decided that slaves who were descendants of American slaves were not citizens under the constitution. The U.S Supreme Court ruled in the Dred Scott decision that Congress had exceeded its authority in the Missouri Compromise because it had no power to forbid or abolish slavery in the territories west of Missouri.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates
    The Lincoln-Douglas debates were a series of seven debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas. The two parties were trying to win control of the Illinois General assembly for their party. The debates were challenges of which they were discussing the further expansion of slavery in other states.
  • John Browns raid on Harpers Ferry

    John Browns raid on Harpers Ferry
    John Brown led a small army of only 18 men into the small town of Harpers Ferry, Virginia. His intention was to instigate a major slave rebellion in the south. We was on a suicide mission and he knew it, he didn’t have a escape route. He planned on seizing armed slave. This only deepened the divide states of the North and South.
  • Election of Abraham Lincoln

    Election of Abraham Lincoln
    The winning of Abraham Lincoln was a catalyst to the civil war. Lincoln pushed the country into the civil war to abolish slavery after he won the presidency.