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Events Leading to the Civil War
Bewteen 1810 and 1865 the nation fell apart. It was North or South. It took many compromises to keep the nation together by a thread. But in the end seccison was invetibale. -
The Missouri Compromise
Admitted Missouri in the Union as a slave state and Maine as a free state.This was the only solution that would keep the Union together. Congress drew an imaginary line across the Louisiana purchase. North of the line slavery was banned, exept for Missouri. South of the line slavery was allowed. -
The Compromise of 1850
Clay's new compromise had something for everyone. It admitted California in the Union as a free state. It allowed New Mexico and Utah territores to decide wheather to be free or slave. Finally it created a strong fugitive slave law -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Added Kansas and Nebraska into the Union. It also got rid of the Missouri Compromise. Leaving the choice of slave or free state to the settlers. The Notheners and Southners poured in the new states. Pro slavery settlers attacked an anti slavery town. John Brown got his revenge when his men killed 5 proslavery settlers -
Dred Scott Case
In 1857 a slave named Dred Scott sued for his freedom. He says that his owner and him travelled to Wisconsin were slavery was banned. Making him a freeman by law. The two questions were scince Scott was a slave did he have the right to have a case, and did his time in Wisconsin make him a free man. The first question was answerd. Since Dred Scott was a slave he was not allowed to have a case. The jury decided since Scott was a slave he could not sue for his freedom. -
Election of 1860
The 1860 election really showed how divided the nation was. The Republicans were behind Lincoln. The Democrates split bewteen North and South. The Democrates in the North nominated Stephen Douglas for president. Southern Democrates nominated John C. Breckings. Lincoln won with 40% of the votes, but he had no votes from the South -
Attack on Fort Summer
Confederates in Charleston North Cariolnia open fired on Fort Sumter. A Union fort. After 33 hours of fighting the defenders gave up. The news that the Soth had attacked a Union fort spred like wild fire in the North. All doubts of war vanished. The only way to save the union is by war. A civil war.