Events leading to Civil War

  • The Compromise of 1850 including the Fugitive Slave Act

    The Compromise of 1850 including the Fugitive Slave Act
    The compromise was made up of five bills that attempted to resolve slavery. It admitted California (a free state) but left Utah and New Mexico to decide for themselves to be free or a slave state. This made it easier for runway systems to be recovered under the Fugitive Slave Act, which made all slaves even of a free state to return to their owners. This created many regional tensions between the North wanting to end slavery and the south wanting to keep it further leading to the Civil War.
  • The Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act
    This act repealed the Missouri Compromise, creating two new territories. The two territories fought over whether to be a slave or slave free territory by popular sovereignty. Stephen Douglas from Illinois makes this his way to win office. This caused a violent uprising later leading to problems that cause the Civil War.
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    Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas was a time of violent acts using guerrilla warfare over pro and anti slavery. Which created a new territory named Nebraska. This created a political storm later leading to the corruption of the Civil War because of the anti and pro slavery perspectives.
  • Preston Brooks vs Charles Sumner

    Preston Brooks vs Charles Sumner
    Preston Brooks was Butler's South Carolina kinsman. He chose a light cane of the type used to discipline unruly dogs instead of challenging him to a duel. Brooks slammed his metal-topped cane onto the unsuspecting Sumner's head. Sumner was carried away hurt, and the two were both seen as hero’s for respecting their religion. This led to the Civil War because of the use of violence.
  • Dred Scott v. Sanford

    Dred Scott v. Sanford
    Dred Scott’s owner dies and the owners wife leaves Missouri and goes to Minnesota. Dred Scott thinks he is now free but the fugitive act tells him to go back. He fights this in court and they decide he can’t sue because he is considered property. This was a win for the pro slavery crowd. This led to the Civil War because it enraged the North leaving Congress with no power to ban it.
  • Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    Lincoln-Douglas Debates
    They argue about the issue of slavery. They both wanted to be the senator for Illinois. Lincoln runs for the Republican Party. They don’t want to end slavery but they don’t want it to expand. Douglas wins and this led to Civil War due to fights over slave and anti slave perspectives.
  • John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry

    John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry
    John Brown was going to invade a warehouse that stock piles weapons. He takes his sons and some old followers with him planning on giving guns to slaves and when it’s time they will all kill their owners. He is then charged with treason. This was seen differently by slave and non slave people, the slave people thought he was fighting for them while the non slave people said he deserved it. This led to the Civil War because of the difficulty solving slavery problems between the North and South.
  • Election of Abraham Lincoln

    Election of Abraham Lincoln
    Lincoln was elected by a popular plurality in three North where states had already abolished slavery. This caused too many different view points and the Democratic Party split over the issue of slavery. This led to the Civil War because of the hostility created between the two view points.