Events is the year 1837

  • Period: to


  • Michigan

    Michigan admitted as 26th US state
  • New York Riot

    Riot in New York due to a combination of poverty and increase in the cost of flour
  • First Electrical. Printed Newspaper

    1st US electric printing press patented by Thomas Davenport
  • Republic of Texas

    US president Andrew Jackson & Congress recognizes Republic of Texas
  • Martin Van Buren inaugerated.

    Martin Van Buren inaugrated as 8th president
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837: New York City banks fail, and unemployment reaches record levels.
  • Astor Hotel Opens

    Astor Hotel opens in NYC, it later becomes the Waldorf-Astoria
  • Broad Street Riot

    The Broad Street Riot occurres in Boston, fueled by ethnic tensions between English-Americans and Irish-Americans.
  • 1st Ascent

    1st ascent of Mt Marcy (5,344') highest in Adirondack, NY
  • Elijah P. Lovejoy killed by a mob.

    In Alton, Illinois, abolitionist printer Elijah P. Lovejoy is shot dead by a mob while attempting to protect his printing shop from being destroyed a third time.