an attempt to stop drinking in the united states to try and stop people from being drunk or hungover at work -
Spanish flu
the Spanish flu was another war fought but with more deaths and against a virus -
branch plants
big company's moving across the border from the U.S to Canada -
discovery of insulin
the discovery of insulin improved many peoples live resulting in social progress -
halibut treaty
the treaty attributed to political, social and economic progress in the twenty's Canada got to sign there first treaty on there own the treaty increased employment, increased income develops social progress -
model T
the model T was the most popular car and was affordable and reliable many people had owned these cars -
the king byng crisis
the king byng crisis was when Prime Minister Mackenzie King requested another election but the Governor General, Julian Byng refused. -
silent movies
silent movies were very popular in the twenty's due to lots of people having spare time and money -
stock market raise
increased prophets from the stock market resulted in more spending which created high degree of economic progress -
stock market crash
the roaring twenty's were brought to a halt resulting in a economic downturn