Gulf War ends
WWW is made available to the public
Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana is released and begins the grunge revolution
When this song was released, a new type of music, grunge was popularized -
Collapse of the Soviet Union
First episode of reality TV is aired
"The Real World" was the first reality TV show, and this was the date it aired -
World Trade Center is bombed for the first time
Michael Jordan retires from the NBA for the first time
Nelson Mandela is elected president
OJ Simpson trial starts
Ebay is invented
First animal, Dolly the sheep, is succesfully cloned
Titanic, the highest grossing movie is released
Texas Heat Wave begins
Some of the hottest temperatures ever recorded (120 degrees Fahrenheit) were recorded, and many people were killed. Many droughts also occured>http://www.heatisonline.org/contentserver/objecthandlers/index.cfm?ID=3176&method=full</a> -
The Columbine Tragedy Occurs