The Civil Rights Movement Begins
Vietnam War
The Vietnam War begins as part of the cold war. -
Motown is Established
Berry Gordy Jr. Created the small company Motown Records with just an $800 dollar loan in the January of 1959. -
The Laser
The Laser patent by Gordon Gould is approved. -
Alfred Hitchock's horror movie Pyscho is released. This black and white film is now a classic horror film. -
John F. Kennedy is Inagurated
President J.F.K is inagurated into office -
Freedom Riders
The first freedom ride in the sixties for the Civil Rights Movement. -
Andy Warhol
Created his Cambel Soup can artwork and displayed it -
Escape From Alcatraz
The three Alcatraz inmates Clarence Aglin. John Anglin and Frank Morrice escaped the prison using an inflatable raft. It was not sure if they survived or were able to be set free. -
October Crisis
The October Crisis or the Cuban Missiles Crisis happened during the Cold War when the Soviets put missiles in Cuba that were pointed at the US -
I Have A Dream
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivers the I Have A Dream speech during the Civil Rights March in Washington D.C -
JFK Assanation
President John F. Kennedy is assasinated by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas Texas. -
The first Doctor Who episode aired. -
The Beatles Come to America
The Beatles come to America for the first time. Thousands of fans come to see them. This is what is called the British Invasion. -
Muhammad Ali Heavy Weight Campionship
Muhammad Ali wins Heavy Weight championship to Sonny Liston -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
This was the beginning for the equality of everyone in the United States. Women and African Americans could not be discrimintated by anyone -
Malcom X Assasanation
Malcom X was assasinated in New York City -
The MIniskirt
The miniskirt first appears This is a change for the hippies with their long, flowing skirts. -
Delano Grape Strike
On this date in 1965 Filipino farm workers organized a strike on the California grapes to protest high wages. -
The Black Panther Party Was Founded
The BPP was founded by Huey Newton -
Star Trek
The first ever Star Trek premires, breaking boundaries by going into spac and having a multi- culture cast. -
Super Bowl
The first super bowl was held. This game was between the Kansas city chiefs and the Green Day Packers. The Packers won 35 - 10 -
MLKJ Assasination
ON this day in Memphis Tenesse Martin Luther KIng Jr. was assasinated outside his hotel room -
The begining of computers. -
The First Man On the Moon
Neil Armstrong ends the space race by being the first man to stp on the moon. -
the first woodstock was held in Whitefish New York