Events in Protest of Amendment One

  • It Begins

    crowds gather in Raleigh, NC
  • March-On

    people marched from the Convention Center to Marshall Park in Charlotte, NC
  • Film Festival

    Matt Phillipi of Equality North Carolina hosted a NC Gay and Lesbian Film Festival to raise awareness
  • Take it to the House

    members of House gathered for a news conference to speak out against the amendment.
  • Rally

    this day as the NC Sentate debates on the amdendment, crowds rally outside the Legislative building.
  • Activist Power

    activists gathered in uptown Charlotte, NC
  • Race to the Ballot

    Equality NC hosted "Race to the Ballot" to raise awareness of all that was on the amendment. This took place several weeks in February
  • Faith Leaders Speak

    an event was held at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in Shelby, NC
  • Social Media Effect

    the Coalition to Protect NC Families held an online fundraiser through Twitter, making $43,00
  • Awareness Show

    a show was held in Chapel Hill NC in awareness of amendment one.
  • Awareness Concert

    Concert to Defeat Amendment One held at the Haw River Ballroom in Saxapahaw
  • Amendment Passed

    after all the efforts made, Amendment One was passed