Events In My Lifetime

  • Google Lanched

    Google Lanched
    Google was launched becoming the search engine of choice for the majority of the online world and adding in the colloquialism of "google it" to the English lexicon. Google brought about the dawn of the US based online web companies in the rise of silicon valley tech development.
  • 2000 Presidential Election

    2000 Presidential Election
    Bush Jr. elected over controversy in Florida involving strong third parties and voter manipulation culminating in several recounts. Bush Jr. presidency remembered as a royal train wreak due to 9/11, subsequent Iraq and Afghan War, and harsh recession that nearly cripple the world economy again.
  • 9/11

    Al Qeada hostage kamikaze planes crashed into the world trade center devastating thousands. Sparked Iraq and Afghan wars and shocked the US due to it being the first attack on US soil for almost 200 years. Further demonized Muslims and those of middle eastern decent to the western world.
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    Set standardized testing to measure funding for schools. Has put increased pressure on the state, schools and teachers for impossible standards of performance. Drop in practical teaching leading to "teaching to test". Opposition has noted significant issues with minority groups giving harsh punishment for failure more likely with those groups and lack of non-English tests. Was replaced by Every Student Succeeds Act shifting duty to the states but not changing much of the mechanics.
  • Youtube Launched

    Youtube Launched
    Youtube quickly became a popular platform for sharing videos with people all over the world. People started to make a living off of being internet stars coining terms like "vlogers" and "gamers" as professions. Advertisement and corporations started using the platform to reach viewers and create "viral" videos while teachers can use it in classrooms as a teaching tool.
  • 3-1-1 for Carry Ons

    3-1-1 for Carry Ons
    3.4 ounces container-1 qt. bag-1 bag. Limited amount of liquid someone could bring onto an airplane due to hysteria of bombs and weapons from 9/11. Seen as often excessive and along with other strong security measures intrusive making air travel all that more complicated.
  • Shepard/Byrd Act

    Shepard/Byrd Act
    Enacted after murders of several over sexuality, forbade discrimination over sexuality and gender added to Civil Rights act. Expanded civil rights act to allow the victim to have not been engaging in federally protected activities and allow federal government to investigate where the local authority has refused. Faced strong opposition in passing but once passed has held with little issues.
  • 2011 Tohoku Earthquake

    2011 Tohoku Earthquake
    Earthquake and Tsunami that devastated the east coast of Honshu and lead to nuclear meltdowns due to power outages and poor protection. It lead to thousands being killed, injured, or displaced and nuclear waste spilling from several plants. The event sparked discussions on the safety of having nuclear reactors in unstable zones and international plans on prevention and aid with natural disasters.
  • Ferguson Unrest

    Ferguson Unrest
    Riots over shooting of Michel Brown by a white officer. Resulted in discussion of police relations between minority communities, militarization of the police, and use of force. Department of Justice ruled that the FPD had been overtly racially biased, and the city had been dependent on fines from charges. Black Lives Matter movement grew from the excessive force police use to subdue "criminals" found to be consistent with minorities and in several communities over the US.
  • Same Sex Marriage Legalized

    Same Sex Marriage Legalized
    Ruling allowed same sex marriage in all 50 states. The LGBT community were addressed by the federal government and granted equal rights to forming families no longer having to deal with messy adoption papers or being denied next-of-kin in emergency medical situations. However there was significant protest mainly in southern and rural communities with fiascoes of couples being denied marriage licenses etc. With the ruling yet to fully solidify and Trump coming into office it may be overturned.