3000 BCE
3000 B.C.E
Egypt unites -
2400 BCE
2400 B.C
Temple platforms are formed in peru -
2050 BCE
2050 B.C
middle kingdom of Egypt begins -
2000 BCE
2000 B.C.E
Development of Chinese Writing
,Greeks colonize the Mediterranean -
1551 BCE
1551 B.C.E
Confucius is born -
1503 BCE
1503 B.C
Reign of Queen Hatshepsut begins -
1350 BCE
1350 B.C
Akhenaton and Nefertiti begin their rule -
750 BCE
750 B.C.E
Greeks colonize the Mediterranean -
566 BCE
566 B.C.E
Buddha is born -
551 BCE
551 B.C.E
Confucius is born -
509 BCE
509 B.C.E
Roman Republic is established -
500 BCE
500 B.C
Adena mounds built in ohio -
221 BCE
221 B.C.E
China's first emporor -
206 BCE
206 B.C
Han Dynasty begins in China -
44 BCE
44 B.C.E
Julius Caesar is killed -
500 C.E
Height of mayan civilization -
600 C.E
Islam spreads to north america