Columbus Finds Costa Rica
Importance: Christopher Columbus discovers Costa Rica and names it after the Spanish words "Rich Cost" after seeing indigenous tribes wear gold jewelry. The name attracts many Spanish adventurers, settlers, and conquistadors. It put Costa Rica on the map. Unfortunately, this event also lead to the death of hundreds of indigenous peoples. -
Permanent Settlement in Cartago
Importance: Though Columbus attracted people to CR by naming the place "Rich Coast", it was a very hard place to settle due to disease (from mosquito infested waters), brutal heat, resistance from native tribes, and pirate raids. The first permanent settlement was in Cartago and remained for approx two and a half centuries, which was important because it showed that settlement was feasible and sustainable. -
Irazú volcano erupts
Importance: This eruption destroyed the city of Cartago (the first permanent settlement of CR), taking important history with it. -
Coffee Introduced to Costa Rica
Importance: After coffee was introduced to Costa Rica from Cuba, it became the leading cash crop for CR. It gained popularity, provided jobs, and helped build more economic stability for CR (and is still advertised today!. -
Battle of Ochomongo
Importance: Before gaining independence, Costa Rica was torn between two large "political" sides/opinions. It was the imperialists (who wanted CR to become part of Mexico) VS the republicans (who wanted CR to become independent). Without this disagreement, Costa Rica would never have had the chance to become an independent country. -
Costa Rica Becomes A Fully Independent Country
Importance: This allows Costa Rica to have the chance to bloom economically and build wealth. It also allowed Costa Ricans to move away from the isolation (economic, political) that they had endured. -
Costa Rica Faces First Existential Threat
Importance: The first existential threat to any country is a notable event. William Walker (a US Fillibuster) attempted to invade CR from the north and failed. Also important because it gave birth to the legend of drummer boy Juan Santamaria, who is credited with having risked his life to set William Walker's stronghold on fire. -
Period: to
Federico Tinoco Creates Dictatorship
Importance: For the short span of 2 years, CR was taken over by a dictator named Federico Tinoco. With Costa Rica's democratic reputation (since 1899), this dictatorship was a risk to all that CR had been trying to build since gaining independence. -
Costa Rican Civil War
Importance: Jose Figueres and a few local rebels revolted in CR, leading to the civil war. This event killed over 2,000 people over the short span of 44 days. It was importance because it lead to a new president (Jose Figueres), the CR army was disbanded, and a new constitution was created. -
New Constitution In Effect
Importance: This made a lot of political based changes in CR. Women and people of African descent given right to vote, armed forces were abolished and replaced with the civil guard, social security was put into place, and national banks introduced