Rachel Carson's Silent Spring
Raised awareness of pesticides' detrimental effect on the evironment and animals, triggered an environmental movement -
Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case
Ruled that women could have an abortion -
National Gay Task Force founded, to protest anti-gay laws -
Ford becomes President
Nixon resigned, with Gerald R. Ford assuming the presidency. -
Indian Self-Determination Act
Granted tribes control of federal aid programs on reservations -
Love Canal crisis
Culture of Narcissism published
Christopher Lasch's book summed up his view of the culture of the time period, criticizing "yuppies". -
Three Mile Island Accident
A partial metldown of nuclear reactors in Pennsylvania released radioactive gases and turned environmentalists against nuclear power. -
US embassy hostages
Hostages seized from US embassy in Tehran -
Reagan is electred
AIDS first diagnosed
US nuclear missiles deployed in Europe
INF Treaty
Gorbachev and Reagan signed Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which removed missiles.