Period: to
Events from 1954-1974
Brown vs Board of Education
Landmark case thay banned racial segregation in the nation's schools. -
Geneva Conference
A cease fire was wored out in the Genever Accords. Vietnam was temporarily divided at the 17th parallel. France would have to withdraw from the country. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
After Rosa Parks was arrested, the NAACP organized a boycott of the Montgomery, Alabama bus system for a day. 90% of African American riders stayed off that day. -
SCLC formed
Representatives of groups in Atlanta, GA met to try and form a new group that would organize protest activities across the region. Known as the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. -
Litlle Rock Nine
African American students protected by US soldiers who tried time and time again to get into Central High School -
Sit-In Movement
Four college students in Greensboro, NC began a sit-in after ordering coffee at a linch counter at a Woolworth's Store. They were denied service, but they sat there until the store closed. After thay day hundreds more followed them. -
Counter Culture
A rebellion of teens and young adults against mainstream American Soicety. They were called hippies and they believed that societal values were misplaced. They wanted to create an alternative culture based on peace and love. -
Area Redevelopement Act
Gave financial assistance to the economically distressed regions. -
Bay of Pigs Invasion
The CIA had Cuban citizens try to overthrow Castro to prevent Communism in Cuba. -
Berlin Wall
After the U.S. began building up troops in West Germany, Khrushchev responded by placing East German soldiers to guard a barbed wire fence dividing Berlin into two. -
Albany Movement
A series of protests in Albany, Georgia that began with sit-ins in the Albany bus stations because the ICC rules were being ignored by local officials. The US Justice Dept. was notified, but no action was taken. -
24th Amendment
This amendment banned states from taxing citizens to vote. Many states texed voters to deter African Americans from voting. -
Cuban Missile Crisis
The USSR placed many nuclear tipped missiles in Cuba. Kennedy had to carefully do things to get the missiles out of cuba or our nation wouldnt be here anymore. -
Murder of Diem
Bhuddists were lighting themselves on fire and killing themselves and that tainted the public outlook on Diem. So the U.S. told South Vietnam to overthrow him and they ended up killing him. -
Assasination of JFK
President John Kennedy was shot during a motorcade through the city of Dallas to where he was going to deliver a speech. He was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald who had connections with the USSR and Cuba. He was shot while police were transferring him to a jail. -
Johnson Becomes President
Lyndon Johnson was sworn in aboard Air Force One within hours after Kennedy's Assasination -
War on Poverty
Johnson passed the Economic Opportunty Act that funded new antipoverty programs. He also offered work-training programs for unemployed youth. -
The Great Society
Became the term Johnson coined for the domestic programs of his administration. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
This banned discrimination in employment and in public accomodations. Johnson signed it supported civil rights and signed it. -
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
This resolution let the president take "all necessary measures to repel any army attack against forces of the United States." -
Free Speech Movement
The counter culture had many protests. They wanted the freedom to say whatever they wanted whenever they wanted to. -
Selma March
King began to campaign to gain voting rights for African Americans by organizing marches in Selma, Alabama. By the end of January, over 2,000 people who marched had been arrested. -
Operation Rolling Thunder
President Johnson orderd a bombing campaign over North Vietnam. He wanted to weaken their will to fight. -
SDS Formed
Studenst for a Democratic Society were one of the most vocal anti war groups. They led the first national anti war demonstration. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Gave federal governmaent powerful tools whith which to break down longstanding barriers to African American voting rights. Within three weeks over 27,000 African Americans registered to vote. -
Crusade for Justice
Rodolfo Gonzales founded it. It promoted Mexican American nationalism. The group provided legal aid, a theater for enhancing cultural awareness, a Spanish language newspaper, and a school that offered children free bilingual classes and lessons in Chicano culture. -
Black Panther Party
Founded in Oakland, California, Huey Newton and Bobby Seale founded the Black Panther Party. They called for violent revolution as a means of African American Liberation. -
Mexican American Youth Organization. They wanted to achieve economic independence for themselves, to gain control over the education of Hispanic children, and to achieve power for Lationos through the creation of a third political party. -
Brown Berets
They began their protest by fighting against police brutality in East Los Angeles. Then they began fighting for bilingual education, better school conditions, Chicano studies, and more Chicano teachers. -
Summer of Love
This was the height of the hippie movement. The freedom the hippies wanted often led to many problems including drug addiction. -
Kerner Commission
After riots in Detroit, MI Johnson appointed the Kerner Commission to study the causes of urban rioting. They blamed poverty and discrimination for the causes of riots. -
Tet Offensive
The Vietcong attack on the U.S. Embassy started with the Tet Offensive, which was a series of massive coordinated attacks throughout South Vietnam -
The American Indian Movement. It called for renewal of traditional cultures, economic independence, and better education for Indian children.They sometimes used forceful tactics. -
My Lai Massacre
William Calley led troops into My Lai looking to kill Vietcong fighters. None were found and they ended up killing at least 450 women, children, and elderly men. -
Robert Kennedy Assasinated
Ater Bobby Kennedy flashed his victory sign in Los Angeles and after he walked off stage a gunman shot him three times. Sirhan Sirhan was from jordan and was angry about Kenndey's support for Israel. -
Assasination of The King
King led a march in Memphis, Tennessee on March 28th to the city hall and was going to speak at a rally on April 3rd. The next day James Earl Ray shot King with a high powered rifle. -
Poor Peoples Campaign
Thousands of protesters came to Washington, D.C. They thought they werent equal because they were poor and they wanted to change the public's view on them. -
Fair Housing Act
President Johnson signed the Fair Housing Act just a week after Martin Luther King Jr. was assasinated. It banned sicrimination in the sale or rental of housing -
The Draft
After the war started the demand for soldiers increased. 30% of poeple tried to get out of it by going to college. 25% were excused for health reasons. -
Richard Nixon
Nixon won the election 43.4% to 42.7% against Hubert Humphrey. and 301 electoral votes to 191 to Humphrey. -
Occupation of Alcatraz
Native Americans tried to reclaim Alcatraz, which was a site of an abandoned federal prison in San Francisco. It lasted for 18 months, but then fedral marshalls removed them by force. -
26th Amendment
This lowered the voting age from 21 to 18. This boosted McGovern's election chances. -
Andrew Young
Andrew young played a major role in the Selma March and the Birmingham Campaign. He became the first African American Congressman since reconstruction. -
Roe Vs. Wade
Landmark case that struck down laws against abortion in the Supreme court. It said that these laws violated a constitutional right to privacy. -
War Powers Act
This law reaffirms Congress's constitutional right to declar war. It set a 60-day limit on the Presidents's call for war before he has to draw back the troops.