Eighteenth Amendment
Ratification of the eighteenth amendment made it illegal to buy alcohol in U.S. territory. This led to new, illegal businesses that sold exclusively alcohol and made millions from. -
Radio Supremacy
The radio takes over the market share, killing the phonograph in the process. -
Motion Pictures become widely popular
The average weekly movie attendance was 40 million with an average household attendance of 1.56 -
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
First Macy's day parade, showed the power and influence of large businesses -
Scopes "Monkey Trial"
First trial nationally broadcasted on the radio with thousands of liseners. The trial was basiclly whether modern science regarding the creation–evolution controversy should be taught in schools. -
40 Hour Work Week
Ford Motor Company Announces the creation of a 40-hour work week for factory workers. This showed that the company was listening to its workers.