
  • Chinese Head Tax

    Chinese Head Tax
    In the early 1900 BC tried to make a law basically preventing the Chinese from immigrating. But the Supreme Court overruled that and so BC made a tax for the Chinese's immigrants that they had to pay to immigrate. These taxes could be anywhere from $50 to$500
  • Komagata Maru Incident

    Komagata Maru Incident
    The Komagata Maru Incident is when a Japanese steamship caring a group of immigrants from the British Raj tried to gain accese to Canada but were denied entry and were forced to go back to India. On this ship was 376 passengers, only 24 were admitted into Canada, the rest which comprised of 340 Sikhs, 24 Muslims, and 12 Hindus had to go back
  • Internment of Ukrainian Canadians

    Internment of Ukrainian Canadians
    The Internment of Ukrainian Canadians happened in 1914 because world war one was going on, and from 1914-1920 due to the war measures act which put all Ukrainian Canadians in internment for 6 years 4000 Ukrainian men were kept in 24 different camps and work related sites. All their savings were confiscated until they were released.
  • Internment of Italian Canadians

    Internment of Italian Canadians
    When WWII was happening Canada used the war measures act to arrest all Canadians of Italian decent. The arests began June 10, 1940 This put all Italian Canadians in Internment camps. In 1990 the Prime Minister of Canada apologize to the Italian Canadians for putting them in internment camps. The arrest affect 700 people most of them were men, but some were women and children
  • Internment of Japanese Canadians

    Internment of Japanese Canadians
    On December 7,1941 the USA was attacked by the Japanese when they bombed Pearl Harbor.Making all Japanese Canadians get treated with suspension because of the events happening south of the border.In February of 1942 all Japaneses Canadians were moved inland due to the War Measures Act.This moved more than 20000 men, women, and children into B.C interior.The Canadian government promised to protect their property by in 1943 they sold all the homes and business and everything they built up was gone
  • Refugees being added as an immigration category

    Refugees being added as an immigration category
    Refugees are on of the categories of immigration under the Immigration and Refugee protection act. Refugee was added as a category in 1976 because in 1950-1960 Canada offered shelter to refugee in response to certain world crises . This meant that Canada could accept refugees anytime instead of crises by crises.
  • The Immigration Act

    The Immigration Act
    The immigration act was created in 1976 and focused on who should be allowed into Canada rather than who shouldn't. This act created four new classes of immigrants who could come to Canada: refugees, families, assisted relatives, and independent immigrants. This act also created new ways instead of deportation for less serious crimes and medical issues.
  • Singh Decision

    Singh Decision
    Satnav Singh came to Canada from India seeking refugee status. Canada's government rejected his case under the Immigration Act, 1976. The Immigration Act, 1976, did not allow him to state his case in person or to appeal the government's decision on his case. The supreme Court said this violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The result People claiming refugee status in Canada have the right to a hearing,which they attend in person, and established the immigration and refugee board.
  • Immigration and Refugee Protection Act

    Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
    The Immigration and Refugee Protection Act was passed in 2001 by the Parliament to replace the Immigration Act in 1976. This act created a very well established framework giving information on Canada's governments goals and guidelines
  • Immigration Categories

    Immigration Categories
    Their are four different categories for immigration. The first category is the family category which included immigrants who immigrated to move closer to family who lived in Canada already like parents or a spouse. The second category is the economic category which includes skilled workers and business people. The third category is refugee immigrants which is people escaping war, torture, and persecution.The forth category is other which is people who are immigrating for humanitarian reasons