Event Cards

  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Sparked with rosa parks arrest
    1st Day 90 Percent of A.A Support
  • Intergate Of Centeraltis

    Governer Tests And Reacts To Arkansas Shcools
    President Eisnhowrd sends in Federal Troops
  • The Hate That Hate Produced

    Weeklong T.V That Features Malcolm X
    Show brings widespread attention to Malcolm And Islam
  • First Lunch Counter Sit In

    At a sit in protesters sit down in a public place and refuse to move
  • Freedom Riders

    CORE Organizes riders to test weather or not Sothern states are complying with a Surpreme Court Ruling
    Violince In Annistion Alabama when their bus Exploded
  • Birmingham Campaign

    Chosen as a site for a major campaign of nonviolent protest
    MLK were arrested and jailed for stomping and protseting
    Police use attack dogs and high pressure fire hoses towards A.A
  • March On Washington

    More than 250,000 protsted to march
    MLK Demonstrated I Have A Dream Speach
  • Civil Rights Act

    Law Banned the basics of Race and other things that went along
    Law is a landmark act and most important Civil Right
  • Voting Rights Acts

    Everybody Is Allowed To Vote No Matter What Race
    This included Literacy Tests And Other Tactitics
    7 Percent to 59 Percent Grew By More Than 2 Millon
  • Watts Riot

    A.A Ghetto In Las Angeles
    6 Days- 34 Dead/ 900 Injured/ 4,000 Arrested
    More In 1967 Which Were Studied For Thier Causes
  • Black Panther Party

    Founded By Bobby And Huey
    Blacks Self-Determination And Improvements
    Services For Blacks In Their Communties And Observers
    Carry Weapons And Prepared To Defenend Themselfs
  • Civil Rights Act

    Passes law few days after MLK Killed
    Fair Housing Componet That Bans Discrimation
    The Law Gives The Federal Gov To Arrest Who Violate Law
    Housing Sales And Rentals Were The 2 That Were Included
  • Congressial Black Cactus

    1968 Shirley Becomes First Women To Be In Gov
    Black Memebers Of House Of Representitives
    Over Years Gotten Better With Legilative Gov
  • Swann VS. Charlotte

    Segragation caused by housing patterens is constitional in NC
    Year Earlier Judge Ordered District To Use Intergrate Schools
    In A Unanimous Decicion, The Supreme Court Supports Busing
  • Root Airs

    12 Hours Miniseries
    More Then 250 Colleges Courses Around Brodcast 30 Weeks
  • Regents Of The University

    White Male Didnt Get Accepted Into Medical School, Because Of A New Thing Called INSERVATIVE MINORITES
    When Did This He Was Not Used Even Though High GPA
    Cannot Use Race To Get Into School