
Greece Timeline

  • 490 BCE

    The Persian wars: The battle of Marathon

    The Persian wars: The battle of Marathon
    The Battle of Marathon was caused by The Persians they tried to conquer Greece 3 times but failed and Athenians helping one of Persian Empire colonies residing in the Persian Empire. Darius vowed to defeat Athens. The battle is won by Greeks. They used Phalanx formation(foot soldiers fight side by side with spear and shield) in the city-state, Marathon. After the Greeks won the battle Pheidippides ran 26 miles to inform Athens about their victory. The Marathon race is named after this battle.
  • 480 BCE

    The Persian Wars: The Battle of Salamis

    The Persian Wars: The Battle of Salamis
    The Battle of Salamis in which a Greek fleet destroyed much bigger Persians naval forces in between Salamis Island and Athens. The Greek commander Themistocles, then trapped Persian fleet into narrow water of strait. The Persians had difficulty maneuvering. The Greeks sink 300 of Persian fleet while the Greeks only lost 40 of their ships. As a Conclusion Xerxes delayed his land offensives for a year. The battle of Salamis is the first great sea battle recorded in history.
  • 480 BCE

    The Persian Wars: The Battle of Thermopylae

    The Persian Wars: The Battle of Thermopylae
    The Battle of Thermopylae is caused by Greeks join together to stop Xerxes from invading Athens: by 300 Spartans + 7000 other Geeks against 10,000 Persians. The 300 Spartans defended Thermopylae, a mountain pass, for 3 days, but at some point lost. The Spartans found a secret passage around the Mountain pass given by a Greek traitor.The Spartan leader chose to fight and hold til the end, knowing that his men will never win this battle. The Spartans showed their courage, bravery and strength.
  • Period: 480 BCE to 404 BCE

    The Golden Age Athens

    The Golden Age Athens is caused by the end of the Persian Wars. Athens became very wealthy and powerful after the Persian Wars. The Golden Age occurred between Persian and Peloponnesian Wars. They created a Delian League to provide common defense against Persians. Athens economic prosperity led to the Golden Age of culture. Pericles was the leader of Athens during the Golden Age. He increased democracy and created the strongest navy. Made Athens pretty, including the building of the Parthenon.
  • 449 BCE

    Effect of the Persian Wars

    Effect of the Persian Wars
    Greece is liberated from the danger of the Persians. After the Persian Wars Athens became wealthy and powerful. Athens builds a powerful League called the Delian League. It was the common defense against the Persian Empire in case of an attack. They bullied other city-states into joining the league, even if they did not want to be. They would take inhabits as slaves. Athens has a large empire: colonies along the Black sea, Turkey, and islands in the Mediterranean sea.
  • Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE

    The Peloponnesian War

    The Peloponnesian War is caused by Sparta creating a league to attack the Delian league. Athens undergoes a plague. The Delian League became too powerful. Some people wanted to leave the Delian league, So, Athens punishes the Greek city-states by conquering them. So. Sparta creates Peloponnesian league to attack Delian league. Pericles the leader of Athens brings all citizen behind the city walls. In the 2years Athens undergoes a plague in which 1/3rd of the public dies. The Sparta wins the war.
  • Period: 331 BCE to 323 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    After the Greek city-states were weakened from the Peloponnesian wars, Philip the II, king of Macedonia conquered Greece. He died at his daughter’s wedding, Making alexander the great king at age 20. He was a well-educated and well-trained as a officer. He was teached by a philosopher, Aristotle. Alexander conquered many places such as Greece, Anatolia, Egypt, Persia, India. He went back after he reached India. Soon he died from malaria at age 33. His Empire was split between his generals.
  • Period: 323 BCE to 31 BCE


    Hellenism is caused by the knowledge combined by Alexander"s 4 great empires (Greece, Persia, Egypt, India). This created the Hellenistic culture. Alexandria, Egypt was the most important city for Hellenistic culture. It was the city of knowledge for many years. Many Mathematician, Scientist and Philosophers studied at Alexandria. There art showed realism that they looked natural. The sculpture they made in the Hellenistic age showed more realistic, emotional, and tend to show movement.