Evaluation Question 6- What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
By zanabsafdar
From the process of constructing this product I have learnt a lot about technologies. The first technology I had used was camcorder. This was used to film my opening and title sequence. When using the camcorder I had to make sure I knew how to use it and all of its properties. Therefore I had to understand the different features and elements of a camcorder. For example the zoom in and out, sound, flash, and how to hold the camera from which height and angle depending on the scene. Such as shooti -
One of the technologies I had learnt about was Blogger. This was because I had to learn about the format and understand where to save each image and upload. During this process I had learnt how to use blogger efficiently and creatively. I had chosen different layouts and created colorful backgrounds; making my blog look appealing. I also learnt how to upload images, videos and links as well as adding informatio -
The next technology I learnt how to use was a Tripod. This was used to make sure the camera was held still and not shaking; making the video look unprofessional. At first I didn’t understand how to control the tripod therefore I got some help, later after some practice I managed to film most of my film using a tripod. Using a tripod is similar to a camcorder however it saves you from holding the camcorder and getting tired. Therefore using the tripod makes it easier to film and makes the film lo -
The last technology used was after the filming; the editing. During the editing process I learnt how to use the software Serif Movie Plus even better. This was because I understood the basic rules such as cutting and adding transitions. However during the editing practice I learnt many new things such as adding text, snipping sound as well as videos, adding effects to the videos and many more. The last step of the construction was the exporting/rendering. This means exporting the product into -
This is the first step of the rendering. It is showing the exporting options such as DVD, YouTube, Blue- ray Disc and many more. But the option I had chosen was File. This was because I wanted to export my film into a different format -
Rndering Part 2
This is the second step of the rendering. It is showing the type of file I want to export such as MP4 Video, MPEG Video and many more. But the option I had chosen was MP4 Video. This was because I could then easily upload this file onto many websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and even a blog. -
Rendering Part 3
This is the last step of the rendering. It is showing the quality of the file such as General- 240p, 360p or 570p. The quality I had chosen was General 570p because it is the highest quality possible for this file therefore the best. I then pressed finish and the file started exporting. The time taken depended on the length of the video therefore mine had taken about 2 and a half minute.